Out of all the civs in this game, I consider Gandhi to be the most frustrating. Yes he is peaceful 90% of the time, but he is capable of becoming a global power, waging a decisive war when needed, and building up a massive deterrent to the point where even considering going to war with him could lead to a war that lasts forever.
He isn't a very reliable or friendly vassal either. I have noticed when he offers(without war of course), he winds up changing his mind pretty quickly, regardless of what I am doing in the game. I have also noticed he is usually the first to offer up a defensive pact(which I usually decline). Also, when waging war while Gandhi is your vassal, I have noticed he does very little(if any) fighting. However, if someone else goes after him, I seem to be the first civ he asks for help. Also, I have had a few scenarios where he invades me with no provocation.
The way I usually handle Gandhi is by keeping a close eye on him, regardless of his position on the map or his size. In my opinion, he must always be kept "in check". While in the modern/future era, I make sure to have a heavy naval presence(including full transports) in his region. If I notice through recon a major buildup underway, I declare war and take out all of his cities but one or two and then force him into capitulation. Then he is no longer a threat to me(or anybody), and I can concentrate on other aspects of the game.
While Gandhi is regarded as a proponent of peace, I consider him a "loose cannon" that can have visions of global domination at the drop of a hat.
Was wondering how others have experienced Gandhi, exactly what approaches you take towards him, and if there are any strategies besides what I have mentioned where Gandhi and I can co-exist.
He isn't a very reliable or friendly vassal either. I have noticed when he offers(without war of course), he winds up changing his mind pretty quickly, regardless of what I am doing in the game. I have also noticed he is usually the first to offer up a defensive pact(which I usually decline). Also, when waging war while Gandhi is your vassal, I have noticed he does very little(if any) fighting. However, if someone else goes after him, I seem to be the first civ he asks for help. Also, I have had a few scenarios where he invades me with no provocation.
The way I usually handle Gandhi is by keeping a close eye on him, regardless of his position on the map or his size. In my opinion, he must always be kept "in check". While in the modern/future era, I make sure to have a heavy naval presence(including full transports) in his region. If I notice through recon a major buildup underway, I declare war and take out all of his cities but one or two and then force him into capitulation. Then he is no longer a threat to me(or anybody), and I can concentrate on other aspects of the game.
While Gandhi is regarded as a proponent of peace, I consider him a "loose cannon" that can have visions of global domination at the drop of a hat.
Was wondering how others have experienced Gandhi, exactly what approaches you take towards him, and if there are any strategies besides what I have mentioned where Gandhi and I can co-exist.
