let's not miss the point
I actually take little issue with Isabelle attacking me (though it's still surprising, as I explained : I 'm not meancing, I'm far away, I'm friendly). I do have some problems accepting that the following turn 7 other civs (Justinian, Ragnar, Shaka, Willem, Hatchepsout, Wong, Bismark) declare war on me, including Shaka, Hatchepsout and Willem which all three consider Isabella "worst ennemy" and have countless deals with me.
Reloaded an older save (1832) - had a string of negative events that did not happen first time around (spies destroying a custom house despite my 2 counter-spies in the city, mining accident and influenza epidemic) but somehow managed to only have Isabelle and Ragnar (her minion) declaring war on me this time. I'm not sure whether I can stand up to her cause she's really producing like mad, but in 1972 I took one of her (smaller) cities and generally hold my own (although I usually loose the naval battles and hence am close to losing at sea, which is not good on archipelago ...)
I actually take little issue with Isabelle attacking me (though it's still surprising, as I explained : I 'm not meancing, I'm far away, I'm friendly). I do have some problems accepting that the following turn 7 other civs (Justinian, Ragnar, Shaka, Willem, Hatchepsout, Wong, Bismark) declare war on me, including Shaka, Hatchepsout and Willem which all three consider Isabella "worst ennemy" and have countless deals with me.
Reloaded an older save (1832) - had a string of negative events that did not happen first time around (spies destroying a custom house despite my 2 counter-spies in the city, mining accident and influenza epidemic) but somehow managed to only have Isabelle and Ragnar (her minion) declaring war on me this time. I'm not sure whether I can stand up to her cause she's really producing like mad, but in 1972 I took one of her (smaller) cities and generally hold my own (although I usually loose the naval battles and hence am close to losing at sea, which is not good on archipelago ...)