I've just retired in disgust from my first BtS game. Year was 1854 and suddenly, out of the blue and with no warning, almost everybody declared war on me ... even guys that were pleased with me the previous turn, even meek ai civs on which I'd lavished old tech to help them through ...
The story so far : I'm a veteran Civ I and II player (where my score went so high as to overflow its alloted space on Deity, of course, like for everybody else on this forum I guess). I played a little Civ III but didn't like it - it felt like someone programmed the game to get revenge for those scoring buffer overflows in Civ II, not to provide the player with fun.
I recently started playing Civ IV (yes, I waited till the "Civ IV Complete" sold for 9.99€, shame on me ...). Read the ending chapter of the manual where the designer (Sorensen ? forgot his name) explained that he wanted to make a game that was as much fun to play as Civ I and II and thought "ah ! this guy really got it ! he really aimed at the best design goal he could have : provide the players with FUN !". Made my way up winning a game on noble, prince, monarch and finally emperor. These games were all a lot of fun, to the point where I chose to replay my "emperor" game almost from the beginning, to try another strategy.
Decided to go for BtS then and so started my game as Elizabeth of the English on "emperor" level as well, "archipelago" map. Everything was going on just fine - I was sure I was not going to win the game, I had built too few cities with too little production capacity - I could not have won as I usually aim to do, via the space race and didn't feel like trying a "cultural victory", it involves too much focus on culture enhancement things. Besides, I somehow managed to not build ANY world wonder (AI civ always built them before I could finish). I strived to be a middling power all along - not the last one in power (though given the AI bonuses on emperor, I couldn't do better than third from the bottom), not the first one in the other areas. Cruising happily along, exploring the game, trying to have fun as a builder, not treading on anyone's toes.
I had Hannibal on the same land mass (man, has he an army !!!) and a Korean city (far on a tip of our island). The Spaniards were first in the rankings all along, first in tech as well. Bismark was second (he spawned Bizantium as a vassal colony at some point, an interesting new feature I didn't explored yet). Hannibal and the Koreans were jostling for third and fourth. When we entered the "astronomy" epoch and I made contact with all the other civs I was placed fifth, scoring better than Hatchepsout, the Dutch, Shaka and Ragnar (and of course Justinien). During the following centuries I slowly made my way up to third place, mostly by researching techs faster than Hannibal and the Koreans. I remained fifth on the power graph, with an army slightly stronger than the Egyptians. I try to trade with as many civs as possible and my diplomatic status with them varies from -2 and annoyed ("you traded with our worst ennemy !") to +2 and pleased.
Then, in 1854, for no apparent reason, Isabella breaks all the deals she had with me and declares war. My first question is "why me ?". She's pretty far and as far as I can see has nothing to gain from a war with me. Why not attack the Koreans, with who she has border tensions ? I think I can cope though, although she has all the newest military techs and she runs a powerhouse of a civ. Ragnar, who's been her vassal for a while duly follows suit, but he's puny. Ok, fine, so far so good. But then in 1856 Bismark and his vassal Justinien also renege on all our deals and declares war on me, on behalf he's chummy with Isabella. To my huge surprise, the same turn, the Koreans AND the Dutch AND the Zulus AND the Egyptians, who are the other guys "worst ennemies" and have had lots of trade deals with me for a while ALSO declare war on me ! Why on Earth ? What have I done to deserve this ? Basically, the only Civ that hasn't declared war on me in 1856 (might yet have done so if I kept playing a while longer) were my neighbors, the Carthaginians, who could have also easily wiped me out if they wanted to.
So, what's the deal ? Where's the fun the designer was talking about when all the AI Civs are ganging up on you with no warning and for no reason ?
Comments wellcome
The story so far : I'm a veteran Civ I and II player (where my score went so high as to overflow its alloted space on Deity, of course, like for everybody else on this forum I guess). I played a little Civ III but didn't like it - it felt like someone programmed the game to get revenge for those scoring buffer overflows in Civ II, not to provide the player with fun.
I recently started playing Civ IV (yes, I waited till the "Civ IV Complete" sold for 9.99€, shame on me ...). Read the ending chapter of the manual where the designer (Sorensen ? forgot his name) explained that he wanted to make a game that was as much fun to play as Civ I and II and thought "ah ! this guy really got it ! he really aimed at the best design goal he could have : provide the players with FUN !". Made my way up winning a game on noble, prince, monarch and finally emperor. These games were all a lot of fun, to the point where I chose to replay my "emperor" game almost from the beginning, to try another strategy.
Decided to go for BtS then and so started my game as Elizabeth of the English on "emperor" level as well, "archipelago" map. Everything was going on just fine - I was sure I was not going to win the game, I had built too few cities with too little production capacity - I could not have won as I usually aim to do, via the space race and didn't feel like trying a "cultural victory", it involves too much focus on culture enhancement things. Besides, I somehow managed to not build ANY world wonder (AI civ always built them before I could finish). I strived to be a middling power all along - not the last one in power (though given the AI bonuses on emperor, I couldn't do better than third from the bottom), not the first one in the other areas. Cruising happily along, exploring the game, trying to have fun as a builder, not treading on anyone's toes.
I had Hannibal on the same land mass (man, has he an army !!!) and a Korean city (far on a tip of our island). The Spaniards were first in the rankings all along, first in tech as well. Bismark was second (he spawned Bizantium as a vassal colony at some point, an interesting new feature I didn't explored yet). Hannibal and the Koreans were jostling for third and fourth. When we entered the "astronomy" epoch and I made contact with all the other civs I was placed fifth, scoring better than Hatchepsout, the Dutch, Shaka and Ragnar (and of course Justinien). During the following centuries I slowly made my way up to third place, mostly by researching techs faster than Hannibal and the Koreans. I remained fifth on the power graph, with an army slightly stronger than the Egyptians. I try to trade with as many civs as possible and my diplomatic status with them varies from -2 and annoyed ("you traded with our worst ennemy !") to +2 and pleased.
Then, in 1854, for no apparent reason, Isabella breaks all the deals she had with me and declares war. My first question is "why me ?". She's pretty far and as far as I can see has nothing to gain from a war with me. Why not attack the Koreans, with who she has border tensions ? I think I can cope though, although she has all the newest military techs and she runs a powerhouse of a civ. Ragnar, who's been her vassal for a while duly follows suit, but he's puny. Ok, fine, so far so good. But then in 1856 Bismark and his vassal Justinien also renege on all our deals and declares war on me, on behalf he's chummy with Isabella. To my huge surprise, the same turn, the Koreans AND the Dutch AND the Zulus AND the Egyptians, who are the other guys "worst ennemies" and have had lots of trade deals with me for a while ALSO declare war on me ! Why on Earth ? What have I done to deserve this ? Basically, the only Civ that hasn't declared war on me in 1856 (might yet have done so if I kept playing a while longer) were my neighbors, the Carthaginians, who could have also easily wiped me out if they wanted to.
So, what's the deal ? Where's the fun the designer was talking about when all the AI Civs are ganging up on you with no warning and for no reason ?
Comments wellcome