I'm usually playing very peaceful games - striving to stay nice to everyone (except the weakest AI civs). I keep having this problem (Civ IV vanilla and now BtS) with not being able to build Heroic Epic and (more often) West Point - the manual says I need a barracks and a 4 XP military unit - I do have both yet the Heroic Epic button stays greyed out. Sometimes (I wasn't able to ascertain what are the conditions) the Heroic Epic button lightens and I can build the wonder, but then I'm almost never allowed to build West Point.
I read somewhere that I need to wage war first ? What is this ? War against whom ? Barbarians are ok ? What exactly qualifies as "war" ? Do I need to just defeat a unit or take a city ? Maybe raze a city ? Do I need horses or anything else ? How to "un-grey" the West Point wonder ?
And yes, I know that only 2 Nat. Won. are allowed per city, that is not the problem
I read somewhere that I need to wage war first ? What is this ? War against whom ? Barbarians are ok ? What exactly qualifies as "war" ? Do I need to just defeat a unit or take a city ? Maybe raze a city ? Do I need horses or anything else ? How to "un-grey" the West Point wonder ?
And yes, I know that only 2 Nat. Won. are allowed per city, that is not the problem