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Diplo Victory?

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  • Diplo Victory?

    The Civlopeadia states that the Civs with the highest population are up for Secretary General of the UN. I am 1st in population and not up for Secretary General. This has happened twice so far.

    Has there been a rule change that is not in the Civlopedia?

  • #2
    The more I think about this. There is only one victory in Civ 4, wipe everyone out. Why don't they just say so. This Diplo BS, is just that BS. The Culture victory has been a joke since it came out in Civ 3.


    • #3
      There was a minor rule change, if you have enough votes to where a UN vote is a "win now" button (not counting vasals) then the option doesn't exist.
      It was removed to make the AP victory a challenge. (Previously choose a religion your NOT widely spreading; spread to ONLY one city each of everyone else while spreading throughout your empire)

      So you now basically need vasals. The easyist way being leting your opponents capitulate to you instead of wiping them out.
      1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
      Templar Science Minister
      AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


      • #4
        I know this is a noob question, but whats AP stand for?

        I am 1st in population and not even on the ballet. So button or not I still have no chance. The Civlopeadia say it goes by population as to who in on the ballet.

        Did I miss something?

        Thanks for your reply.


        • #5
          Can't help you with your diplo question, but cultural victory is very much an option.. to me at least. Quicker than space race and it's fun too.

          edit: oh and AP = Apostolic Palace.


          • #6
            I know in Civ 3 a culture victory is there in name only. How do you get 50,0000 culture in all cities? In Civ 3 it was 100,000, I think. I just glance at the culture victory crap, since I might as well concede on move one. I see how the Diplo is not working. I can imagine working for a culture victory, only to find it's not true, just like the diplo rules are all lies.

            I stand by my earlier post: wipe em out is the only victory that is allowed.


            • #7
              Culture vicitory is pretty tense I think, the corporations make it too easy now, but initially the desperate culture push when science stops and your units slowly become obsolete was superb fun. Can I hold on? Will I be destroyed?


              • #8
                Originally posted by johnmcd
                Culture vicitory is pretty tense I think, the corporations make it too easy now, but initially the desperate culture push when science stops and your units slowly become obsolete was superb fun. Can I hold on? Will I be destroyed?
                I can't but feel that a culture victory is the Diplo victory, it's not true. I am not even on the ballet for a diplo victory and I have the top population by far!!! So for the victory conditions.
                Sweating out a tense victory?

                How is that done when the game has no rules that can be relied upon?

                I just don't believe it seeing how this game is working. There is no information that one can rely on for victory conditions. The game has been out long enough for this to be a bug.


                • #9
                  Oh yeah, while i am ranting. What's this crap about can't bomb an enemy city? BtS really is not an expansion, it's a "let's screw the game up and sell it" deal. I don't see how this is worth playing, when all the documentation is total BS.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by LordBiff
                    How do you get 50,0000 culture in all cities?
                    Well, last time I had a culturally very strong capital (industrious civ and I couldn't resist building all those shiny wonders) and when I finally realized that there were quite a few civs that would be a real challenge militarily I simply focused three cities on cultural improvements and let the rest of my civ keep me well defended. With some strategic defensive pacts I managed to keep the strongest AIs at war with each other while I went nuts on spreading religions, building cathedrals, bee-lining to mass media and finally going all out artist.

                    I won at the beginning of the industrial era, with 8 cities (at prince level) and I believe I was quite well up to date tech-wise.

                    Never tried to win diplo though. I'll try it


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by LordBiff
                      The more I think about this. There is only one victory in Civ 4, wipe everyone out. Why don't they just say so. This Diplo BS, is just that BS. The Culture victory has been a joke since it came out in Civ 3.
                      Neither victory is a joke when you have enough tanks to roll over three opponents, transports steaming to shore, airplanes bombing everything in sight, and the game declares you the loser.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by LordBiff

                        I am not even on the ballet for a diplo victory and I have the top population by far!!! .
                        As has been said, but let me try to re-state it, if you have enough votes that you could win the election with only your votes, than there will not be an election. You have to need someone else's vote to win a Diplomatic victory. This was done because, previously, you could, through military conquest, get enough population to get enough votes to vote yourself in regardless of what anyone else thought about you. The introduction of the Apostolic Palace made this issue even more obvious (even I could win that way!) and so, the change was made. Now, if you conquer enough Vassals so that your votes and their votes add up to enough, you can get yourself elected. It's a subtle difference, but it is a difference.
                        If you aren't confused,
                        You don't understand.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by jnh140

                          Neither victory is a joke when you have enough tanks to roll over three opponents, transports steaming to shore, airplanes bombing everything in sight, and the game declares you the loser.
                          That is my point. The will not permit me to a Diplo victiory. Despite having the most population. i am not even up for a vote. just the AI civ allowed. that is the BS part, Total BS. That is what BtS stands for total BS.

                          So what are you really saying? No victory allowed unless played on easy. ( not sure that is allowed never played easy)

                          Point is this: If I am not allowed to be up for a vote diplo, why would this crap ass game allow a "culture " win?

                          This blows big time!!!!

                          Another point: You just said it, the game will NOT allow a win for whatever reason.

                          You just said so>


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Sarco

                            Well, last time I had a culturally very strong capital (industrious civ and I couldn't resist building all those shiny wonders) and when I finally realized that there were quite a few civs that would be a real challenge militarily I simply focused three cities on cultural improvements and let the rest of my civ keep me well defended. With some strategic defensive pacts I managed to keep the strongest AIs at war with each other while I went nuts on spreading religions, building cathedrals, bee-lining to mass media and finally going all out artist.

                            I won at the beginning of the industrial era, with 8 cities (at prince level) and I believe I was quite well up to date tech-wise.

                            Never tried to win diplo though. I'll try it
                            Good luck. Too bad nothing will help luck or skill, the will not allow it. Also I don't believe you. The way the game has shown me how it works, you can't win period!


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by eris

                              As has been said, but let me try to re-state it, if you have enough votes that you could win the election with only your votes, than there will not be an election. You have to need someone else's vote to win a Diplomatic victory. This was done because, previously, you could, through military conquest, get enough population to get enough votes to vote yourself in regardless of what anyone else thought about you. The introduction of the Apostolic Palace made this issue even more obvious (even I could win that way!) and so, the change was made. Now, if you conquer enough Vassals so that your votes and their votes add up to enough, you can get yourself elected. It's a subtle difference, but it is a difference.
                              What are you talking about!! What part of, I am not even on the ballet despite having by far the biggest population don't you understand?

                              Who gives a damn about having enough votes yourself, when you not even allowed on the ballot!!!

                              You talking about which deck chairs look the best on the TITANIC!!! Who the hell cares about "subtle differences" when the game is totally rigged for Gods sake!

                              Why pay good money for this crapware?

