I've played a few games using slavery and I didn't like it for 1 reason: It stunted my growth. I've been reading the SE (Specialists Economy) stuff and a few other threads and looks like people look to slavery a lot.
Am I doing something wrong that makes slavery better than what I think it is?
I tried it and I'd whip, grow, whip, grow... wait, whip.... grow... but no.... not grow. I was getting my people back... but they were all angry. =[. Unwilling to forgive my cruel acts of oppression. In turn... I might have whipped out a few things... but then my capital ... and possible my second city ... were suffering. That was 30 turns a pop.
And the whole mass chopping thing didn't add happiness to that situation. I was pretty happy that I'd founded a city that could grow so fast... and I chopped my heart out... and then the fifty million people were sick. Sick and angry ::sigh::
(I added the chopping thing for the juicy... it's really only about the slavery. So far as chopping goes... do the math and be safe with your forests until you can fix up your peeps without trees. *Oh snap he said 'peeps'*)
Not to mention you open the door for the 'City Revolt' event. Lemme know what you all think.
I might add I usually only play on Marathon.
Oh and P.P.S.- I'm playin' a game on my friend's 'puter via webcam and she's doin' my moves for me. But she seems to have toggled OFF the ranking score thingy on the side above the mini-map. Andbody know how to toggle that back ON? I don't remember when I can't be hands on.
Am I doing something wrong that makes slavery better than what I think it is?
I tried it and I'd whip, grow, whip, grow... wait, whip.... grow... but no.... not grow. I was getting my people back... but they were all angry. =[. Unwilling to forgive my cruel acts of oppression. In turn... I might have whipped out a few things... but then my capital ... and possible my second city ... were suffering. That was 30 turns a pop.
And the whole mass chopping thing didn't add happiness to that situation. I was pretty happy that I'd founded a city that could grow so fast... and I chopped my heart out... and then the fifty million people were sick. Sick and angry ::sigh::
(I added the chopping thing for the juicy... it's really only about the slavery. So far as chopping goes... do the math and be safe with your forests until you can fix up your peeps without trees. *Oh snap he said 'peeps'*)
Not to mention you open the door for the 'City Revolt' event. Lemme know what you all think.
I might add I usually only play on Marathon.
Oh and P.P.S.- I'm playin' a game on my friend's 'puter via webcam and she's doin' my moves for me. But she seems to have toggled OFF the ranking score thingy on the side above the mini-map. Andbody know how to toggle that back ON? I don't remember when I can't be hands on.