Yes, it is another thread featuring a good start. I like these threads because it is easier just to download and play than it is to hit regenerate map 10 times trying to get a start that isn't just desert everywhere, or has a capital with a plains silk as its only resource. So post more good starts people!

The start is huge,pangaea. It is also noble/marathon/Washington/Inca, but those can be changed with worldbuilder. I really, really wish I had been a financial leader, or at least Philo for this capital. Anyway, the capital is nice, and the map in general is very good. Give it a play.

The start is huge,pangaea. It is also noble/marathon/Washington/Inca, but those can be changed with worldbuilder. I really, really wish I had been a financial leader, or at least Philo for this capital. Anyway, the capital is nice, and the map in general is very good. Give it a play.