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Earth18Civ Scenario

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  • Earth18Civ Scenario

    Introducing : The Roman Empire... things go VERY well so far ( i just LOVE pretorians ).

    My question now is... settlers to the A's or Pretorians to the B's ?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    How dangerours are your neighbours? And how strong are you? If you can wipe them out quite fast, then why not? It gives you more room and them less room.

    I assume the A in Ireland is out of reach for anyone else in near future, but what about North Africa? Thinking if this can wait


    • #3
      I played on a little, actually getting my longbows and castles... for some wicked reason Ashoka declared war on me. Then it occured to me : "Hey, i need the damn elephants he's got!" As he was on low score, i took a small army and captured Dehli. I thought about making him a vassal, but after all he is already so weak, i will take all india over.

      I am by far the most powerful on army and got a short advance in science. My biggest rivals will be Qin Shi and Catherine i think, they have HUGE terrytories, Genghis is not bad for that btw... i'm 4th in empire size, but one i'd have romanized india this should be corrected to 3rd.

      Ireland is still waiting for me, as i was very busy dealing with unhappyness issues, noth Africa went to Mansa who wished to become my vassal a few turns after Ashoka declared war on me...

      I would assume the game is already won, but i don't know what's going on in america... Second weird thing is : evryone shares hindouism, so that you can't really guess who is who's ennemy, and who is going to backstab you...
      Attached Files


      • #4
        (How do i attach more than one image to a single post ?)
        Attached Files


        • #5
          Looks like you did the right choice Hey, what's that? Catherine has Scandinavia? Take it! Oh, never mind, it's only in Sweden... Speaking of, aren't the Vikings in this scenario?

          Don't know about adding more images, never tried myself.


          • #6
            No vikings... but belive me, europe is crowded as hell (ovelapping capital citys for french and english etc... If you don't manage to overrun Europe, you'll have to strugle for each new city...


            • #7
              Guess that's why it's spammed with resources also? I think I actually tried this once, but I found it too small. An Earth map should be fairly large if you ask me. And Rome is probably the only civ to play in Europe unless you start far away the asian ones.


              • #8
                The biggest problem I see is....

                Your game is in french.
                The phaonmneal pweor of the hmuan mnid, aoccdrnig to a rscheearch at Cmabrigde Uinervtisy, it deosn't mttaer in waht oredr the ltteers in a wrod are, the olny iprmoatnt tihng is taht the frist and lsat ltteer be in the rghit pclae. The rset can be a taotl mses and you can sitll raed it wouthit a porbelm. Tihs is bcuseae the huamn mnid deos not raed ervey lteter by istlef, but the wrod as a wlohe. Amzanig huh?...So with that said: if you can not read my post because of spelling, then who is really the stupid one?...


                • #9
                  Only way to add multiple images is to Upload them (link on top of page) and then paste the links in here.
                  <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
                  I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


                  • #10
                    I live in France, so i play games in french... could play them in german or english, but they are just easyier to get in french here :P

                    PS: Thank you Snoopy.


                    • #11
                      1401 AD

                      So, here we go, many things happened. I wiped out Ashoka and made India mine. I built Versailles in Dehli for getting it profitable. The tiles are all built up to something usefull (was still jungle when i got it) and the citys are now building infrastructure (walls over all!).

                      Diplomacy is weird... Cathrine declared war on Hatchesout, taking her capital city. The next turn, AP voted peace and Hatchesout asked to become Saladin's vassal. He is the one who founded Hindouism (shared by evryone as i said) and was already the master of Cyrus, making him the second on territory.

                      First on terrytory is Qin Shi, master of Ghengis and Tokugawa, who declared war on me on the last turn.

                      Cathrine is actually alone, but had the courage of declaring war on me, since i was actually way to busy making my passage from medieval to renaissance civics and accurate buildings, i stayed defensive and the skirmish ended soon. Now, she is on war with Qin Shi, making her reconsidering me, as we have the same ennemy.

                      So, let's get to the details :

                      Europe is doing well as you can see, having a total of four holy citys (London, Madrid, Athenes and Corinth).

                      I waited to long for ireland... this is why i'm planning on revenge through a total wipe-out of Cathrine once I finished the job in Asia.

                      Once the observatorys will be finished, most of this citys will build military, as my asian citys are not ready for that now. As i managed to get Steel with Liberalism, it seems like I will be unstoppable :P

                      London actually has Oxford, and i'm planning to give it Wall Street too.

                      India is actually quite fragile, as my army is still on the way from Europe, where it helped getting rid of Cathrines caprices. I will take China at all costs, as Qin Shi has the silk i lack of, and the great wall i absolutely want to have. This should free Ghengis and Tokugawa from their capitulations and let them breathe a little.

                      Ultimatively, this will give me a great position against Saldin and his vassals, who will be surrounded and crushed like on an ambush with the mighty power of the roman hammer !

                      As my Philosophy teacher used to tell : "The roman empire was a peacemaking machine."

                      So, now let's take a look at the new world...

                      Monty did a hell of a job, and is actually at war with Roosevelt. All three civilisations of the new world are boudhists, so that they don't liked me at all when my explorer came to pay a visit. Roosevelt opened his borders to me in exchange of my promise to give military assistance, what made astronomy my priority in research. And you can be sure that my musketmen won't let him down ! (i can produce them with drill II and +25% vs cavalery, what makes them quite effective)

                      The incan AI sucked on this one, as it didn't build a transport to settle the rest of the southern continent. But this is good news for me as it gives me an opportunity to get ressources I still lack of, and build a forbidden city on this continent, so that i will be able to take over some aztecan citys.

                      I planned the citys in the alphabetic order, D beeing the one that will build the forbidden city.

                      So that's it... What do you think I should focus on ?


                      • #12
                        Build a couple of ships with two settlers, some workers and some units (both for defense and (counter)attack). Sail those across to South-America and start to settle there. Have one go for the Forbidden Palace and the other to maybe produce a new settler for further expansion. You are running 100% and earning 72 pr. turn which is very good even if you deduct the golden age effect. This should leave you with no problems funding the colonization of South-America.

                        So... military strategy. Is China trying to go through you to Russia? You have a border to China while Russia hasn't an my experince is that they would then focus on you. Russia is now probably building up a lots of units to use in the war against China. If you "help" Russia by taking out China, they might as well attack you later. I can't see your military stats here, but I would have armed my forces big time to fight off the Chinese (not invade yet) and strengthen my border to Russia. When you are built up enough, Russia and China has hopefully worn themselves a bit out so you can start you invasion. If one of them has a grip on the other, the more powerful will probably be quite vulnerable anyeay and have the army on the oposite site of yours meaning you can attack and invade. This will leave both of them weak and if your production is still high and war weariness low enough (with all that money potential, you should be safe), you should be able to take them both out quite easily.


                        • #13
                          You were right, as soon as China overran one of my indian citys (two turns after the last post), russia declared war on me, but without greater casulties for me. I took back my indian city from china with the army that was on it's way and then put entire europe to military production (canons and musketmen). I pushed Cathrine to capitulation by razing the closest city, capturing the next and her capital. I gave her capital back as it was deep into her cultural borders, and then managed to take 4 new citys from Qin Shi, but it was hard since he always buids on hills to max out his protective trait.

                          AP voted peace a few turns after i took the 4th city, but that was enough to free his vassals.

                          In the same time i had some fun blokading Montys coastlines, and helping out Roosevelt on the field, without taking citys.

                          5 colonys are founded in South-America and a random event made me declare war on Huayna to get +1 from all Hindous. I do nothing more then blokading his coasts, since there is not much to take anyway.

                          My domination victory is only a matter of time now because i am reseaching superconductors, wile the second in research (Saladin) just discovered Astronomy... (for the matter of fun, i still don't have researched riffle).

                          About the 100% , i'm always running at 100% science, even if I have to put several citys to "build" .


                          • #14
                            It could be worth to lower your to get out more units.
                            Originally posted by Vampgelus
                            (for the matter of fun, i still don't have researched riffle).
                            you have won big time! Try a higher difficulty level next time unless you have been really, really lucky now

                            How do you manage to keep your infrastructure up-to-date if you have to build to support your ? In my latest games, I've been lucky to have more than 40% except for the first expansion phase.


                            • #15
                              Big production, that's all, my buildings take less then my researches to build, so that i always can build untill i can make a new building, then switch from to that building, having negative upkeep for a few turns (or having another city producing in the mean time). I should add to this, that this game isn't one in that i focussed fully on science, when i do, i can reach space victory in something like 1620 AD...

                              This is on noble difficulty, i can win on monarch difficulty without falling from the top-three of score during the entire game, but as i already said on another topic, i don't like to play with handicaps when the computer plays without them (which is always the case in prince and above). I'd do so if instead of having handicaps i had smarter ennemys, or if these had the same handicaps, but i don't like the way firaxis handles the "difficulty" question for the moment.

