In a game I just started I am wondering about the following:
1) Is there anything that suggests that I should not put a city in the marked tile? It will overlap with Constantinople, but with 2 fish I could run a number of specialists there instead of working tiles, right?
2) I am playing on Prince (Large/Pangea/Normal) with for the first time Aggressive AI. Should I expand inwards first and come back to the marked tile for perhaps my 4th city?
In a game I just started I am wondering about the following:
1) Is there anything that suggests that I should not put a city in the marked tile? It will overlap with Constantinople, but with 2 fish I could run a number of specialists there instead of working tiles, right?
2) I am playing on Prince (Large/Pangea/Normal) with for the first time Aggressive AI. Should I expand inwards first and come back to the marked tile for perhaps my 4th city?
