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News article explains why there aren't more women here

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  • News article explains why there aren't more women here

    Apparently, the reward centers in men's brains are activated to a much greater extent than women's when they gain territory in a videogame.


  • #2
    Well that also explains why the majority of posters enjoy warmongering.
    Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
    The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
    The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


    • #3
      Looked like way too small of a sampling to be of real value.
      Within a few years, someone will probably do a similar or larger study and find the opposite. Unless their expectations of the results are similar.


      • #4
        I know plenty of women who play Civ, as far as games go it's fairly 'female-friendly'. The real question is why more of them don't post here (though I have an idea or two about that )
        Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery


        • #5
          Originally posted by Locutus
          (though I have an idea or two about that )

          I think quite a few probably do, they just probably don't point out they are female.

          Oh, and I think CFC probably has more chicks.
          Modern man calls walking more quickly in the same direction down the same road “change.”
          The world, in the last three hundred years, has not changed except in that sense.
          The simple suggestion of a true change scandalizes and terrifies modern man. -Nicolás Gómez Dávila


          • #6
            Myself, I prefer a properly executed culture bomb.

            Originally posted by Heraclitus
            Well that also explains why the majority of posters enjoy warmongering.
            1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
            Templar Science Minister
            AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


            • #7
              Okay lets suppose, a ´new´ female would come around here... What would she find ?

              a) a bunch of nerds for whom PMS means private mail spamming or something like that
              b) WigLaf
              c) Lancer is already married
              d) my raging sexism

              Would You post ?


              • #8
                Not to mention that there's a big difference between 'playing a game' and 'playing a game, analysing tactics, discussing strategy and posing questions about intricate details of the game on a forum.'

                My girlfriend really likes Civ, she plays it now and then. Does she understand how combat works or ever get around to figuring out specialists? No. Does she care? No. Does she listen to me when I give her an indepth lecture to a simple question such as 'Will I win this battle?'. No


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Unimatrix11
                  a) a bunch of nerds for whom PMS means private mail spamming or something like that
                  b) WigLaf
                  c) Lancer is already married
                  d) my raging sexism
                  She might even find MyWifeHatesCiv.


                  • #10
                    There's lots of women here, they just haven't gotten their sex change operations yet.
                    Long time member @ Apolyton
                    Civilization player since the dawn of time


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Lancer
                      There's lots of women here, they just haven't gotten their sex change operations yet.
                      I think you just made my sig. Again.
                      You've just proven signature advertising works!


                      • #12
                        Long time member @ Apolyton
                        Civilization player since the dawn of time


                        • #13
                          Women are here, we just don't like what you talk about so we don't post
                          In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams


                          • #14
                            Being a woman to us dum guys seems very like what being a space alien must be, but nice. Then to add in Civ which seems like a very guy thing to do justs wierds out our one track male brains. Cartimandua, can you share a bit about what you find appealing about the game from a feminine perspective? Do you get all dolled up to play or just jeans and a shirt? Does your honey hate that you play Civ?

                            Long time member @ Apolyton
                            Civilization player since the dawn of time


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Lancer
                              Being a woman to us dum guys seems very like what being a space alien must be, but nice. Then to add in Civ which seems like a very guy thing to do justs wierds out our one track male brains. Cartimandua, can you share a bit about what you find appealing about the game from a feminine perspective? Do you get all dolled up to play or just jeans and a shirt? Does your honey hate that you play Civ?

                              That's funny. In truth it seems that I like Civ for very different reasons than my husband, who is the one who introduced it to me (He thinks it's sexy that I play Civ). He loves the strategy and the history and the fact that the game is infinitely replay-able. I really love building a huge empire, getting new quests, and talking to the AI characters out loud. Actually, my husband was really laughing at me the other night for my constant jabbering to Charlemagne because I wanted him to wait a few years before he started the inevitable war between us. Charlemagne, being the typical guy, didn't listen.

                              I don't dress up to play Civ. I usually play Civ at night so I like to wear my revealing nightgown, it makes negotiating with the AI men so much easier

                              If you are interested in more of the female perspective on Civ, I would recommend listening to the Christmas special Polycast in which I, along with some of my gal pals, talked about why we like to play Civ and our funny quirks. Also, in the near future I may be back on a Polycast with more insight, so make sure you are listening.
                              In the beginning the Universe was created. This made a lot of people very angry and has been widely regarded as a bad move. - Douglas Adams

