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Your spaceship is wrecked on a distant planet...

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  • Your spaceship is wrecked on a distant planet...

    ...the computer system has CivIV and and endless power source. You have no way to call for help. Around the ship is desert lands and all you find to eat are large crawling insects that taste like chicken but when you eat them you are disgusted. There is water but you have to walk 3 miles to use it.

    So after a few weeks of playing CivIV, eating vile bugs and walking miles for water you decide to explore your world. You pack up some extra supplies and head off.

    Hiking a few days you see an oasis with...another crashed space ship!!! You rush over to see if there is anyone but no, there isn't. The model ship is old, but you manage to fire up the computer. On it is Civ I, interesting thing long forgotten, a road or improvement makes the tile yours, not bad. So you decide to stay a while and play but eventually get bored and have a look around. There are small mammals about which taste pretty good and some birds that taste like chicken and aren't bugs, tolerable. Good place to be, but the Civ I doesn't satisfy your advanced tastes. So you pack up some dried meat and resume your wandering.

    You walk for 2 weeks and the climate gets wetter. Indeed, you are heading into a swamp, you venture in wanting nothing more of it than to come out the other side in one piece. However in the middle where the jungle begins you find yet another wrecked ship! Nobody lives, but this ship has CivII. You go in, hang your clothes to dry in the hot, humid air and settle in for some civvin. Arrrrg! I forgot that one unit could kill a stack, I'm doomed! It's fun, but snakes make this their home as well. Creepy. You kill a couple and set their meat in an ancient bottle of vinagar that survived the crash and the years. One thing here, at least water is plentiful. Eventually though you've had much fun civvin, you decide to move on. Stocking up, you move off into the jungle. Tough going! You regret being so far from an inhabited world, good food, company, or just your own ship with the CivIV. Were the bugs so bad really? Yes they were. No place worth stopping you eat a piece of pickled snake on the march and curse this hostile country, sweat running down your body in rivers.

    It's was a long slog through a wretched swamp and a jungle filled with vile slithering things but you made it. You break out from under the canopy onto a great sunny meadow. Tall grass waves in the breeze, patterns rushing here and there, butterflys soaring upon the gusts.

    This is nice.

    You don't have to walk far before you find a stream. You see to your joy various game animals in their plenty, could that be a pig? Something like. You dive and swim naked in the clean fresh waters. Your clothes are set in the stream to wash away the filth of the trail the memory of which now fading in the joy of salvation revealed. Then you see her, walking along the bank of the stream oblivious to your presence. Long blond hair, naked also, slim and heavy breasted, very fine. After watching a bit you pull on your wet pants, stand up and wave calling out. Hellooo! She's startled but unashamed. She takes you to her ship explaining she has been alone these years and dreaming of a man...

    Three days later you flip on the computer and your perfect world comes crashing down. Civ III. The blond has zero interest in hiking through the swamp to live with you in the desert eating bugs or any other option thank you, and did you hurt your brain in the crash? The computers are part of their ship and cannot be removed, any method for the transfer of programs exists only in distant spaceports, the hard drives aren't compatable from one ship to the next. Screwing around would result in your living on a planet devoid of Civilization! ...what do you do?
    Civ IV/desert/bugs/walk for water
    CivI/oasis/small game/birds
    CivIII/big game/cool stream/hot girl
    What? No bananas?
    Last edited by Lancer; February 19, 2008, 07:19.
    Long time member @ Apolyton
    Civilization player since the dawn of time

  • #2
    After thoroughly analyzing the situation I come to the conclusion, that Civ3 wasn't all that bad.


    • #3
      Long time member @ Apolyton
      Civilization player since the dawn of time


      • #4
        wtc ??

        (what the civ)
        anti steam and proud of it

        CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


        • #5
          Hahaha, nice one! Weeell, at least it was very easy make maps in CivIII


          • #6
            Guess it's really a no-brainer. Kind of a paradise, with plenty of good food and a woman that is by the description both hot and horny. Forget the Civ game on the computer entirely and play Civ4 Reality Edition. Settle down with the girl, irrigate adjacent tiles, build hunting camps, mines and do your damnedest to increase the population.


            • #7
              You got it SR, you figured it out. If you can get civilized enough you can drag your broken spaceship just where you want it. Like Egypt building one of their columns.
              Long time member @ Apolyton
              Civilization player since the dawn of time


              • #8
                Well, how long does it take to get from ship A to ship D ? What are the chances that the girl will run off with some other guy while you would be gone taking a break and doing some serious civing ? I figure, i would probably do something like ´a couple of days this, a couple of days that´ - esp. as i can always take a pig with me. Cause, honestly, most of us of no issues playing civ 24/7, but who of us could stand to be the sole focus of a girl´s attention (and her demands, requests, and their attempts to ´civilize´(us)) 24/7 ? Sure it´d be fun for a week or two, but the day will come, you wanna go back to civ, and then you will realize: you are not allowed to anymore.

                P.S.: I know i have issues...


                • #9
                  i am sick of teh Civ3 hatin'

                  Great editor, ICS-a-plenty, erm cant remember a whole lot right now. but i liked it!

                  also apparently Civ3 is linked to hot grrrls so another
                  The Wizard of AAHZ


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Unimatrix11
                    Well, how long does it take to get from ship A to ship D ? What are the chances that the girl will run off with some other guy while you would be gone taking a break and doing some serious civing ? I figure, i would probably do something like ´a couple of days this, a couple of days that´ - esp. as i can always take a pig with me. Cause, honestly, most of us of no issues playing civ 24/7, but who of us could stand to be the sole focus of a girl´s attention (and her demands, requests, and their attempts to ´civilize´(us)) 24/7 ? Sure it´d be fun for a week or two, but the day will come, you wanna go back to civ, and then you will realize: you are not allowed to anymore.

                    P.S.: I know i have issues...
                    There are no other guys, the girl was waiting years for a man. The best way to deal with the problem is to domesticate some of the big game if possible, put them in harness and try to haul your ship to your girl. The girl has few choices and after years likely has other interests so you should have time to play. Besides, she'll be looking after the kids.

                    The trip to the CivIV ship from the CivIII ship would be several weeks according to what I wrote. If you could not haul the ship you could use your domesticated animals to haul water in quantity to the CivIV ship and then kill and dry their meat in the desert. That should set you up for a while...until you miss your girl.

                    Btw Unimatrix11, you should marry a Filipina. No such problems.

                    Long time member @ Apolyton
                    Civilization player since the dawn of time


                    • #11
                      Lancer, you should be the internet's official thread starter or something. And post some pics of this woman.
                      You've just proven signature advertising works!


                      • #12
                        C3C or Vanilla?
                        You just wasted six ... no, seven ... seconds of your life reading this sentence.


                        • #13
                          I am happy to see members choosing the Civ3/hot woman choice overwhelmingly. I'd be worried about you otherwise. Likewise, I hope the 'banana' vote is coming from the female players out there.
                          The (self-proclaimed) King of Parenthetical Comments.


                          • #14
                            Oh, you've got to stay with the hot woman, obv.

                            But, does that computer have any games other then civ III? You know, minesweeper? Pinball? Pong? Anything?


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Krill
                              C3C or Vanilla?
                              You would give up the blond for want of Conquests? You're outa luck, it's vanilla.

                              Seedle, I was thinking of Raquel Welch in 'One Million Years BC', but blond. Sorry no pics but I had a poster in the '70s.

                              Yosho, you're in luck, I can confirm it has Pong.
                              Long time member @ Apolyton
                              Civilization player since the dawn of time

