Does anyone else use the woodsman 3 promotion?
I found that it is pretty good, 2 first strikes, +15% heal (same tile) %50 bonus in Forest/jungles. I have been using it extensively with Washington, since it comes cheaper, especially with a baracks and a settled general. It seems to work well to mix this promotion in stacks and stick to the woods to move in enemy territory since the defense is good and the healing always helps. You can also use it to get first strikes on melee units.
It also seems like the AI moves units through forests alot, so the bonus helps there.
Does anyone think it is overpowered since it only costs 3 promotions and has a general effect? It has to better than drill 4 since it costs less and then gets a bonus plus medic abilities.
I found that it is pretty good, 2 first strikes, +15% heal (same tile) %50 bonus in Forest/jungles. I have been using it extensively with Washington, since it comes cheaper, especially with a baracks and a settled general. It seems to work well to mix this promotion in stacks and stick to the woods to move in enemy territory since the defense is good and the healing always helps. You can also use it to get first strikes on melee units.
It also seems like the AI moves units through forests alot, so the bonus helps there.
Does anyone think it is overpowered since it only costs 3 promotions and has a general effect? It has to better than drill 4 since it costs less and then gets a bonus plus medic abilities.