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Which staff member is best at Civ?

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  • #16
    Solver in an MP game would be great... you guys need to get working on convincing him to play
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Lancer
      Play and post screenshots.
      and commentary ???

      please do
      anti steam and proud of it

      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


      • #18
        From his avatar, i´d say Solver would be great for a MP-game, even if he´d get kicked out early on... As a kind of senior-statesman, who points out threats and opportunities to the remaining players...

        I once did that, played a WW2-boardgame, that would take like 60 hours to complete (my own creation), as germany and due to total dumbness got kicked out, when during my attack on france, the russians crushed me from behind. Since the board was at my home and we´d meet once a week to play, i could watch the "rest of history" unfold very closely and had a better overview than the remaining players had. I kept warning everybody about the growing might of russia. By 44 they learned what i was talking about... My feeling during this game, that i participated in mostly as a spectator, was somewhere between Bismarck, after he had been removed from office by Wilhelm II., and "the smoker" of the X-Files, with his "secret knowledge" - and it was fun - hence i think Solver should play...

