I have 2 requests for the mod savvy folks
Would it be possible to add a couple features (for me cause I'm lazy) or are they perhaps already out there.
First thing should be simple. A persistant air patrol ability for air units. As it stands I need to activly do it each and every turn wich, frankly, I dont do, to keep an eye on possible invasion fleets in the oceans. I'd like to see another comand (dont delete the single turn comand) that told the air unit to patrol that same square every turn. Would make airships worth building.
Second is a bit more complicated. The AI's constantly demand items from me or face war. Yet I cannot do the same. In the first screen where you have " lets make an trade agreement" or "lets discuss something else" etcetera is it possible to add "do this or face my wrath" line wich gave the trade options (minus cities) with nothing redded out. such as "break agreements" for when a neighbor gives an enemy open borders but not you, and you want to give that ai the option to avoid a war it doesnt want etc. If you ask for too much, or the ai thinks your nothing then it can deny you wich causes an Imediate declaration of war, and either way gives a "-3 You threatened us with war!"
I'd love to se these additions possibly as a mod or patch...
Thanks in advance from someone too lazy to figure it all out himself.
Would it be possible to add a couple features (for me cause I'm lazy) or are they perhaps already out there.
First thing should be simple. A persistant air patrol ability for air units. As it stands I need to activly do it each and every turn wich, frankly, I dont do, to keep an eye on possible invasion fleets in the oceans. I'd like to see another comand (dont delete the single turn comand) that told the air unit to patrol that same square every turn. Would make airships worth building.
Second is a bit more complicated. The AI's constantly demand items from me or face war. Yet I cannot do the same. In the first screen where you have " lets make an trade agreement" or "lets discuss something else" etcetera is it possible to add "do this or face my wrath" line wich gave the trade options (minus cities) with nothing redded out. such as "break agreements" for when a neighbor gives an enemy open borders but not you, and you want to give that ai the option to avoid a war it doesnt want etc. If you ask for too much, or the ai thinks your nothing then it can deny you wich causes an Imediate declaration of war, and either way gives a "-3 You threatened us with war!"
I'd love to se these additions possibly as a mod or patch...
Thanks in advance from someone too lazy to figure it all out himself.
