Originally posted by wodan11
Disagree. As I said, "Later in the game, it's not such a big deal. It's only early in the game where one player beelines BW or AH and finds they don't have the resource."
Disagree. As I said, "Later in the game, it's not such a big deal. It's only early in the game where one player beelines BW or AH and finds they don't have the resource."
If you're referring to the suggestion (or some variance) of the idea that no units are restricted but are discounted if you have the resource, then I tend to agree, but not totally so.
As an example of where I would disagree: if you rush me with HAs, me being able to make spears at x2 the cost isn't going to save my bacon. It'll prolong the agony, that's all. Heck, it's probably a better tactical decision to simply make archers at normal cost, than to make spears at x2 (or whatever). I can get three archers for the same hammer (70 vs 75), and their effective combat power against HAs is probably better than 1 spear.
As an example of where I would disagree: if you rush me with HAs, me being able to make spears at x2 the cost isn't going to save my bacon. It'll prolong the agony, that's all. Heck, it's probably a better tactical decision to simply make archers at normal cost, than to make spears at x2 (or whatever). I can get three archers for the same hammer (70 vs 75), and their effective combat power against HAs is probably better than 1 spear.
Liking something doesn't mean they wouldn't like the alternative. And, just because a few miscreants like something doesn't mean it's good for the game.

Anyway, actually, I would suggest that a game option would be the other way around. Whatever the implementation is... we've talked about, what, 3 different things?
-- Basic defensive unit available at game start
-- Defensive bonus within culture border
-- 30 turn treaty at game start
Anyway, whatever it is, I would say that should be the game default. Then, a game option would be to turn this off. MP players who wanted a "rush" game could then do this.
As you say, for MP, some would like it and some would not... it's certainly something I'd put in the game, though I'd probably make it not default (as I prefer the most open game to be the default, and anything that limits the game to be an option).