Catherine, what a hottie. I wish she would strip. Actually for CiV I think the promo original special release should have something of this sort. Very funny in the diplo screen when she says something like "look, a leader I actually won't sleep with"
The real Catherine had some sexual exploits but I don't know the details, do you?
Anyway, regarding the true lay of the land, I like to have a bit of future expansion room sealed off by my borders. Then I'll expand in the other direction up against the other civs and when the space competition is done then put cities in my private reserve. Even if the AI gets sailing and puts a city there it's usually close enough to my cap that it becomes mine in time.
Any other opening gambits you might advise?

Anyway, regarding the true lay of the land, I like to have a bit of future expansion room sealed off by my borders. Then I'll expand in the other direction up against the other civs and when the space competition is done then put cities in my private reserve. Even if the AI gets sailing and puts a city there it's usually close enough to my cap that it becomes mine in time.
Any other opening gambits you might advise?