Okay - i only read till page 4... i think the debate really came to a conclusion with post number 97 by adam. It clarifies a lot. I can agree with what is said there, tho i still wouldnt call civ a simulation. Its a game. Every game to some extend is a simualtion, tho. But if it is a simulation made for the purpose of having fun, and tweaked towards that purpose, it stops being a sim and becomes a game in my book. Civ is among the games a bit of an exception, since it has the ambition to retain a certain level of realism while still being a fun game .It does that via abstraction and while it may (or may not) do that in a perfect manner, it cannot be a perfect game of both: fun and realism (tho it is clearly the doctrine of the devs as far as i can tell: gameplay beats realism - so that´s basically the answer if you were to ask if civ was EITHER a game OR a sim).
But Adam only said, that civ contains elements of a sim - not that it IS a sim. Now with that i can agree. Still i think that while civ is very good at balancing sim vs. fun, i also think that there are games more geared towards sim than civ and are still fun. I already named two and i´ll give a third example: M.U.L.E. - now with that one, realism is a tricky term, since it models the economy of a colony in outer space (its from 1984 i think, by Dan(ielle) Bunton). I guess it matters for a program if it wants to be a sim, if what it models as a real-life occurance. It is much easier to be "realistic" when the modeled situation isnt real. That might be, what gives civ such a hard time as to count as a sim for me...
But Adam only said, that civ contains elements of a sim - not that it IS a sim. Now with that i can agree. Still i think that while civ is very good at balancing sim vs. fun, i also think that there are games more geared towards sim than civ and are still fun. I already named two and i´ll give a third example: M.U.L.E. - now with that one, realism is a tricky term, since it models the economy of a colony in outer space (its from 1984 i think, by Dan(ielle) Bunton). I guess it matters for a program if it wants to be a sim, if what it models as a real-life occurance. It is much easier to be "realistic" when the modeled situation isnt real. That might be, what gives civ such a hard time as to count as a sim for me...