Getting back into Civ 4 after a good break.
Took more or less a slave master approach; so obviously my empire was growing much faster than the infrastructure (minus roads) and tech could support. However, completely decimating all of my opponents and taking most of their prime real estate makes me the biggest, meanest, and most-feared dog on the block.
I've even managed to turn the remnants of their empires into essentially subserviant christian states.
However, i'm poor. Really, really poor. 0% research and losing units to cash flow issues poor.
I only build farms on specials. Money-making specials? Utilized. Trading gpt for extra resources. Cottage spam.
What is the problem? Did i simply grow over too much area for my lack of versailles\forb city? Too many units? Too many cities in general? What do you guys do to really get that commerce flowing?
Took more or less a slave master approach; so obviously my empire was growing much faster than the infrastructure (minus roads) and tech could support. However, completely decimating all of my opponents and taking most of their prime real estate makes me the biggest, meanest, and most-feared dog on the block.
I've even managed to turn the remnants of their empires into essentially subserviant christian states.
However, i'm poor. Really, really poor. 0% research and losing units to cash flow issues poor.
I only build farms on specials. Money-making specials? Utilized. Trading gpt for extra resources. Cottage spam.
What is the problem? Did i simply grow over too much area for my lack of versailles\forb city? Too many units? Too many cities in general? What do you guys do to really get that commerce flowing?