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BTS: AI not attacking/taking cities - is this normal?

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  • BTS: AI not attacking/taking cities - is this normal?

    I am puzzled about AI behaviour. Im Running BTS 3.03 + Solver's CoreDLL and Academy fix.
    Im playing Pangea, small, 10 civs (so its crowded), Monarch, Marathon, no Vassals or Random Events.

    I am Roman Holly Empire and to my west is Mao.
    Mao decided to invade with far superior force. Many Axemen + Swordsmen aganinst my few Axemen and archers.
    To my surprise he did not destroy any of my improvements!
    I was able to use my copper mine and later horses to raise enough units to counter Mao's better armies and drive him away.
    Also I decided to abandon one small city of size 2 in order to save the archers and rushed them to the capital to boost its defense.
    Mao did NOT choose to take an EMPTY city!
    So to sum up, his behaviour was totally unpredictable. He raised 1 city and took another but left an empty one alone and did not even bother to destroy roads to my copper and horses to prevent me from raising more stronger units in the capital.
    This has never been that way in Civ 4 and so I am asking if this is expected with BTS or is it a side-effect of the modified CoreDLL?

  • #2
    Re: BTS: AI not attacking/taking cities - is this normal?

    So to sum up, his behaviour was totally unpredictable. He raised 1 city and took another but left an empty one alone and did not even bother to destroy roads to my copper and horses to prevent me from raising more stronger units in the capital.
    This has never been that way in Civ 4 and so I am asking if this is expected with BTS or is it a side-effect of the modified CoreDLL?
    It's a side-effect of Blake and his 'Better AI'

    I think the game was play tested by actual monkeys. But ssssh! Don't whine about it as he has many minions that will leap to the defense. Noone else actually encounters these problems (they're 'builders' you see) but if we wait it out and participate in trying to fellate him daily over various civ forums it just might get fixed in a patch

    One idea, if you play on Aggressive-AI with solvers patch I've found far less problems with AI retardedness. It even seems to have fixed the random AI stacks that completely goto sleep on your land during a war and never move again for 500 years.
    Last edited by vilemerchant; August 26, 2007, 11:55.


    • #3
      thanx for the tip. I will restart with aggressive AI and see what happens...
      I hope this serious problem will get fixed in the official update though.


      • #4
        Re: Re: BTS: AI not attacking/taking cities - is this normal?

        Originally posted by vilemerchant

        It's a side-effect of Blake and his 'Better AI'

        I think the game was play tested by actual monkeys. But ssssh! Don't whine about it as he has many minions that will leap to the defense. Noone else actually encounters these problems (they're 'builders' you see) but if we wait it out and participate in trying to fellate him daily over various civ forums it just might get fixed in a patch

        One idea, if you play on Aggressive-AI with solvers patch I've found far less problems with AI retardedness. It even seems to have fixed the random AI stacks that completely goto sleep on your land during a war and never move again for 500 years.
        You're a bit of an ass, aren't you?
        - Dregor


        • #5
          He is. But he seems to be a nice ass (hmmm, that sounded a little gay. nttiawwt).


          • #6
            Is that like a donkey?

            I just say it as I see it!


            • #7
              Back on topic please.
              There's no reason to call names.

              Programming AI's for complex games as civilization is a hard job, I think Blake did an excellent job. But it's true that AI's now and then do weird things indeed.

              Good thing to report that here so it may be fixed in a patch. It's even better to include a savefile.
              Formerly known as "CyberShy"
              Carpe Diem tamen Memento Mori


              • #8
                I enabled aggressive AI in my new game and i like it so far - feel more intense and it forces me to be more strict with building vs unit production - more difficult to balance.
                The AI still seems to be manageable on Monarch level but I would definitely get beaten to pulp if I go any higher.


                • #9
                  Re: BTS: AI not attacking/taking cities - is this normal?

                  Originally posted by cont3nd3r
                  Mao decided to invade with far superior force. Many Axemen + Swordsmen aganinst my few Axemen and archers.
                  To my surprise he did not destroy any of my improvements!
                  I was able to use my copper mine and later horses to raise enough units to counter Mao's better armies and drive him away.
                  Also I decided to abandon one small city of size 2 in order to save the archers and rushed them to the capital to boost its defense.
                  Mao did NOT choose to take an EMPTY city!
                  The AI no longer pillages with large stacks. As I understand it, it'll target one city and then wait for enough troops that it thinks are needed to take it.

                  If enough reinforcements had shown up for him to take your capital, this would have been a great strategy. If you can't distract it, there's not much you can do against a sizeable stack of doom except have a bigger one, especially before catapults.

                  It would be better if the AI would at least do something with it's stacks if it could tell there's nothing else coming.


                  • #10
                    Haven't seen any sleeping AI stacks, but many have reported this. Since I switched to agressive AI, I love the challenge the AI presents.
                    No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
                    "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author

