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Tales of Random Events

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  • Originally posted by nbarclay
    I just got an event that gave me the choices of:

    Have my state religion spread to four of my cities at no cost.
    That plus have it spread to one foreign city for 10 gold.
    That plus have it spread to four foreign cities instead of one for 25 gold. I just wish I'd had the 25 gold; I was guessing that 20 would be enough at that stage of the game (410 BC, but with a good starting position that had me relatively advanced for that time).

    This was on a huge map at Epic speed on Monarch difficulty.
    I had this but it only let me pick the 1st one for some reason, which sucked b/c all my cities but 1 had my state religion. I wanted to spread it to 4 foreign cities.

    In fact I've had that problem with other choices from time to time. Anyone know why?
    I'm consitently stupid- Japher
    I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


    • It's probably because you didn't have enough gold to pay for the other options.


      • No, I always met the other qualifications. Sometimes money wasn't even an issue.
        I'm consitently stupid- Japher
        I think that opinion in the United States is decidedly different from the rest of the world because we have a free press -- by free, I mean a virgorously presented right wing point of view on the air and available to all.- Ned


        • Did you have contact with other civs that weren't running Theocracy?
          Never give an AI an even break.


          • Here's what I've had (long list)

            Forest fire (Lose 1 forest, you may have it replanted for a petty fee), City Ruins (tech boost from a ruins within your borders), +8 food from a Tundra forest tile (once, not every turn. Usually occurs again in a while), Motherlode (+x gold from a goldmine), Roads washed out, Mining accident, Champion of the Sword (Swordsman gets +exp and gets renamed), Scout finds oil at like 3800 BC, Spread state religion to x of my cities or pay a fee and spread it to x of my rivals cities as well, Forge burns down, Famine (give food to a rival, gain relations boost), Airliner Crash (plane crashes to rival territory or a rival plane crashes to my territory, relations boost or espionage bonus or research bonus towards flight and a chance for a relations hit), Farm production stolen from either a Rice, Wheat or a Corn tile (pay, use up a garrison unit or disregard and lose food), Faux Pas, Joyous Wedding, Failed wedding, Tornado hits a city (buildings destroyed or citizens killed), Looters (enemy city is in revolt, you get to pay to destroy tile improvements), A civ with your religion is in war and you get to give them strategic resources for a relations boost, Blizzard (tundra or ice tile loses improvement unless you pay), Dustbowl (plains farm improvement lost, chance to expand unless you pay)

            Exotic parrots (+1 commerce on a jungle tile), Jade (my iron mine gained +2 commerce), Black Pearls (+1 commerce on a clam tile), Saltpeter (4 hills tiles with forest gain +1 commerce), Clunker Coal (coal mine loses 1 hammer), Sour Crude (Oilfield loses 1 hammer), Truffles (tile gains +1 food and commerce), Tin (my iron mine gained +2 hammers), Prairie dogs (plains tile +1 commerce), Sculpture art on a tundra or ice tile (city gains culture or you can pay to have a great artist settle there), Scientists make a breakthrough, Scientists face a setback, Patron of Knowledge (research boost or library gains 1 beaker), Master Smith (Forge gains +1 hammer), Money Changers (Market gains +1 gold), Bowyer (bow units gain combat 1),

            Federal Reserve (-10% inflation or pay and -25% inflation), Happy Electric company workers (+1 happy in every city), Zeppelin accident (pay and get +1 happy for airport), Subway (public transportation gains +5 commerce), Gold rush (city gains 1 population or you pay and gain 3 pop), Flight to the north pole (+1 relations with all), Olympics (+1 relations with neighbors), Earth Day (+1 happy face for 10 turns or you can pay some and gain +1 happy face permanently and some AI's will switch to environmentalism; this option available only if some AI's have researched it), All sorts of barbarian uprising events (5 warriors, 5 archers, 5 axemen, 5 swordsmen), Literacy (all cities have a library, one city gains settled great scientist), Plow sales are booming (+30 gold), City manufactures PC's, (gain 200~ gold), Miracle at City walls (walls gain +1 gold or convert 2 of your cities to your religion), Playwright (theater gains +1 commerce or you pay and it gains +3 culture instead, Gladiator (get some gold or pay some and colosseum gains +2 culture), Warlord (get a few pikemen, get 100 gold or city gains 1 settled great general for a fee), Spoiled grain (city loses all food stored, you may pay to have it replaced), Angel or Mercy (hospital gains +2 gold or you may pay and it gains +1 happy instead), Partisans (city razed and you get to choose whether you want partisan units around the razed city or in your capital), Dynasty (city gains 1 great general, merchant or priest), Senate crisis (Barracks gains +2 espionage, you gain gold or every city gains +1 happy), s

            Holy Mountain (You need to settle next to a specific mountain, more hints if you build x religious buildings (never completed)),

            Blessed Sea (settle on x l(depending on mapsize) landmasses; rewards include converting up to 20 of your own cities to your state religion, gain a temple in every city that is larger than 5 or get a great prophet),

            Horse Whispering (build x stables (depending on mapsize); rewards include stable gaining +1 food, you get horse archers or all mounted units gain flanking 1)

            Harbormaster (build x harbors (depending on mapsize); rewards include all naval units gaining combat 1 or navigation 1 or harbors gaining +1 gold)

            Classic Literature (build x libraries (depending on mapsize); rewards include library gaining +2 research or get one ancient era tech or if you have great library get +1 settled great scientist)

            Master Smith (build x forges (depending on mapsize); rewards include revealing a copper resource, all swordsmen gaining shock or gaining +1 settled great engineer in the triggering city)

            Best Defense (build x castles (depending on mapsize); rewards include all melee units gaining city garrison 1, gaining +3 relations with all met AI's, or if you have the great wall it gains +25 espionage.

            Sports League (build x colosseums (depending on mapsize); rewards include colosseum gaining +1 happy or +4 culture or if you have the Statue of Zeus, a golden age.

            Greed (you need a resource that your opponent has, declare war for as long as it takes to gain control of that resource; As a reward you gain x units that have the resource as a prereq)

            War Chariots (Build x chariots (depending on mapsize); Rewards include chariots gaining combat 1 or spreading your religion to 5 of your cities)

            War Ships (build x triremes (depending on mapsize); Rewards include triremes gaining combat 1 and if you control the great lighthouse, all harbors gaining +2 commerce)

            Guns Butter (build x musketmen (depending on mapsize); Rewards include all muskets gaining pinch, gaining gold if you are running vassalage, or triggering a golden age if you control the taj mahal)

            Overwhelm Doctrite (build the largest carrier fleet, consisting of 4 destroyers, 2 battleships, 3 carriers and 9 figthers; rewards include aforementioned unit types gaining combat 1, all harbors gaining +5 commerce or if you control the manhattan project - banning nukes)

            Corporate Expansion (expand your corporation to x cities (depending on mapsize); reward is +10 gold for the corporate HQ)

            Hostile Takeover (Take control of a resource that you don't already have used by a corporation of yours. Reward is +20 gold for the corporate HQ).

            And here is my favorite event (thanks Solver):

            Healing Plant
            1.+1 happy face for 10 turns
            2.+1 angry face (like whipped) in all cities, 20% chance of 4 and 35% chance of 5
            3.+2 angry faces (like whipped) in all cities, 50% chance of 4 and 90% chance of 6
            (4.all cities lose 1 population)
            (5.all cities gain +1 healthy face)
            (6.all cities gain +2 healthy face)

            Also the Federal Reserve one where you get to cut 25% of your inflation really makes your endgame that much easier.

            When you play Emperor and get this event in the first turns of the game, choose 3 and get the +2 health you're pretty much set for your expansion. Best event.

            Well, this post was pretty much a listing but for me the Heailng Plant is the only event that really stands out because +2 health is huge for the era it occurs in and the other events, while being nice or sometimes upsetting, never have a huge impact on your game. Although, I do have to admit that when you've been lucky with quests and events, you may for example end up with harbors that have +7 commerce by default or some other greatness like that.

            I still have a few events that I haven't experienced and some that I propably never will because of the conditions required but I'm still hoping. I'd really love to see more events in the game to add even more flavor.

            For those of you who are interested in events and their triggers, look here.
            Last edited by Fleme; November 19, 2007, 07:11.
            "The state is nothing but an instrument of oppression of one class by another--no less so in a democratic republic than in a monarchy."


            • And here is my favorite event (thanks Solver):

              Healing Plant
              1.+1 happy face for 10 turns
              2.+1 angry face (like whipped) in all cities, 20% chance of 4 and 35% chance of 5
              3.+2 angry faces (like whipped) in all cities, 50% chance of 4 and 90% chance of 6
              (4.all cities lose 1 population)
              (5.all cities gain +1 healthy face)
              (6.all cities gain +2 healthy face)

              That is my favorite event, too. Just so you know, all the credit should go to Yin. While I did the actual implementation, it's entirely Yin's idea, and that's better than anything I could come up with. Thanks Yin
              Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
              Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
              I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


              • something really weird has been happening in the tri-league tournament games i've played. in any of the ones with random events active, i typically won't get my first event until at least 175 turns have passed. i usually only get about 10 events for the entire game, and this is including slave revolts, mine collapses, quests, everything. also, theres no notification of any other civs getting events either. its like the whole thing stalls and then finally kicks in but just barely.

                in my normal games, i'm getting events left and right, right from the beginning. most of them are trivial, like political weddings and what not, but im still getting them.

                anyone else experience this?


                • "The Malinese Empire has begun construction of a modern national highway network that shall be the envy of the world."

                  Problem: Mali only has one city and one other land tile left, and the tile outside the city doesn't even have a road.


                  • I have had my monarchy dynesty die out, which gives my capital city recieve a great merchant, priest, or warlard.
                    I have had the forge quest which gives you a great engineer in your capital or a new source of copper.
                    I have had my market get +1 food for food in a normally unworkable square.
                    I have had a square get +1 gold for what not that was not inside a cities workable square.
                    I have had the corporate expansion quest which gives you something if you spread yours to so many cities. I didnt actually complete it.
                    I have had the horse whispering one and not copleted it.
                    I have had the librarys for our schrolls quest and not completed it.
                    I have gotten +1 relations for negotiating a peace treating on a friends behalf.
                    I have had my organized religeon giving my the option of paying some money to spread my religeon to my and rival civs cities.


                    • Originally posted by Sotamuumi

                      Yeah and it has the option of starting a golden age too, but I guess you'll have to control the Statue of Zeus for that.
                      I finished this quest the round before I finished the Taj, and I had my GP's on stand by....45 consecutive turns of Golden Age. Fun.


                      • once i got a random event that a marriage between an arab women and an English man (im english) had lead to a great blending of cultures or sometyhing, anyway the two countries had different religions, this made the arabs have islam spread in all thjeir cities. WTF! the difference of our religions was an excuse to go to war, but i heard that the family grew up and had thirteen childreen, i gave one a teddy bear(not really)


                        • Originally posted by ayronis
                          I had a hurricane knock down some city walls one turn before Shaka's invasion arrived at the city. Surprisingly, the city garrison was able to hold off the attack (from behind the debris?) so luck cuts both ways, it seems.
                          Well, yeah, why not? I can imagine improvised barricades being whipped up from the rubble.

                          What I'm having difficulty getting my head around is the idea of a hurricane knocking down city walls, and not, for example, the granary.


                          • Originally posted by Blaupanzer
                            I got truffles on a hill, (supposedly in a cave) adding one coin to that hill. Subsequently my people proclaimed our truffles the best in the world. China promptly attacked me for my arrogance, although we had been friendly prior to that. Maybe he thought his truffles were better?
                            And for centuries thereafter, school history textbooks were full of tales of the Great Truffle War!


                            • Originally posted by joncnunn

                              I had an interesting one a few hours ago, the Ethopian Empire (that's mine) had an extremely close election. Basically shades of Florida 2000. Anyway the choice is your Courthouses will now either yield +1 gold or +3 culture for the rest of the game.

                              Here's another one I had a few days ago that also shows how ungreatful the AI is. This is normal speed so 1655 is the very next turn.

                              1650 AD Famine strikes the Zulu city of Ondini; we decide to "spare no expense to help our Zulu neighbors." -100% food in our capital (which didn't need to grow due to being at the health limit anyway) -15 gold, +3 diplomatic relations.

                              1655 AD The ungrateful Zulus declare war!!!
                              Bastards! I hope you taught them a bloody good lesson!

