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BtS unofficial patch

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  • Major update

    Numerous AI changes present, as Blake has provided me with the appropriate code.

    * Poison Water and Foment Unhappiness missions now have the same effect, duration and cost on all game speeds, to mirror the official patch.
    * Fixed AI airstrike bug

    And now, changes as per Blake:

    * AI now only capitulates to the team which has done them a majority of the damage.
    * On non-aggressive AI, the AI's are more aggressive early in the game.
    * AI trains more units early in the game.
    * AI SHOULD do a better job of bribing other AI's (this may or may not work)
    * The cost to Bribe AI's into war now uses a new algorithm, it better reflects the impact of the bribe (ie a large AI charges a lot more to be ordered around). Generally bribing will be more expensive, especially cases where it used to be excessively cheap.
    * AI's tell you to sod off if you try to bribe them onto a victim with an intact nuclear arsenal.
    * AI brags about it's nukes more.

    * Always Peace now suppresses AI militarism (with some barb awareness).
    * AI spends less on Espionage.
    * AI trains spies with lower priority.
    * AI better aware of Free Market / Environmentalism corporation impact.

    * Exploring units should now heal.
    * Possibly fixed exploring "YoYo" issue.
    * Fixed a puppet strings exploit related to naval invasions.
    * Fixed some issues which hampered or stalled AI early game expansion.
    * Tweaks to Governor, particularly "Emphasize Food"
    * Fixed an undefended cities issues.
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • Ok, I'm a little confused. I've downloaded the update, and see that it contains multiple files, but I'm not clear on what to do with them all. According to the instructions, the DLL file goes in the assets folder, but what about the other ones? What happens if I don't put them in the CvGameCoreDLL directory? (Sorry if I sound clueless, but basically that's what I am.)


      • You don't need the other ones if you're not a programmer, it will work just fine with only the dll.
        Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
        Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
        I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


        • Many thanks indeed for the ultra-quick reply.


          • Originally posted by Theodotus
            Many thanks indeed for the ultra-quick reply.
            Solver can reply so quickly because he's in your computer already...watching you.


            • Originally posted by Willem

              If this was meant to fix the auto-explore units going back and forth between two tiles, it isn't working. I just tried the latest version and I noticed a Celt Scout getting stuck.
              Do you have the savegame for it?



              • Originally posted by Solver
                That'd be because Fighters have 100% interception probability already, hence the promotion would be meaningless. If you, for example, changed Fighters to 70% interception chance, the promotion would re-enable itself.
                Sorry, I always thought the interception promotions for fighters were for use against air units with evasion (stealth bombers or units with the promotion). Also for when the fighters were damaged, so you could still have an improved chance of intercept, though burn the fighters out earlier.


                • Doesn't work like that. Evasion takes precedence over interception, and the promotion only modifies the base intercept chance, so it wouldn't do anything to damaged Fighters.
                  Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                  Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                  I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                  • Originally posted by wodan11
                    Hey Solver, I don't know if this is beyond the scope of your patch, or if you want stuff like this reported here. Anyway, there's something wacked with the worker routines. Take a look at what Cyrus is doing here... one worker is putting a workshop over top of the wheat, and in the very next tile another worker is putting a farm overtop a workshop.

                    Here's a pic


                    i get similar, except it tends to be workshops and cottages over and over, sometimes next to eachother by the same city on the same terrain type. eg, worker will build a workshop on plains A, move to plains B and build a cottage, move to plains A and turn it to a cottage, backto B and build workshop, over and over.


                    • FWIW, the latest update seems to run considerably slower in the late game. Some turns were taking up to 40 seconds to a minute to process whereas with the old .dll they were closer to 10-15 seconds.

                      It wasnt unbearable by any means, but it was noticable.


                      • Solver, thank you very much for illuminating my interception conundrum.


                        • Question- the text files should go here?

                          C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\CvGameCoreDLL

                          instead of here?

                          C:\Program Files\Firaxis Games\Sid Meier's Civilization 4\Beyond the Sword\Assets

                          And same with the Core DLL?


                          • Originally posted by Solver
                            Shouldn't that be in the CvGameCoreDLL directory???

                            No, the source files (.cpp and .h) belong there if you want them, but the dll itself belongs in Assets.
                            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                            • Not sure if the change to the AI vis-a-vis capitulation is working as intended. I was in a knock-down, drag-out war with Justinian and kicked him off of his home continent, leaving him two cities on rather pitiful islands and he wouldn't capitulate. I was #1 in score and very high on power, he was dead last in both. He was concurrently at war with the Zulus, but they hadn't done as much fighting as I had. Also, I had some relations bonuses (+3 because of a diplomatic marriage.)

                              I didn't think too much of this until Catherine declared war on Wang Kong later in the game. She actually went on to eliminate him from the game (this is after 1900, normal speed.) No, this isn't completely impossible, but the way things usually flow, the AI offers to capitulates when it's down to one or two cities, and if its opponent is another AI, it usually accepts....

                              Attachment is the turn before Cathy conquers WK.
                              Attached Files
                              "The nation that controls magnesium controls the universe."

                              -Matt Groenig


                              • Do you think , for the military academy xml fix, we can just toss that into our custom asset folders?

