Dale, there is a separate CvGameCoreDLL.dll for your mod. I have just started to compile the standard library for a few changes and will like to do them there as well. Could you please release your source files?
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RtW: Information Thread
Campeón 2006 Progressive Games
civ4 mods: SCSCollateral GrayAgainstBlue ProperCrossings
civ3 terrain: Irrigations Roads Railroads Borders Multimine Sengoku Napoleonic
Thanks for this wonderful scenario! I love it and have ling waited for it.
I have three suggestions:
Concerning the status auf Finland and the Baltic Nation: shouldn't they join the Axis, when going to war with the SU?
For one it is historically accurate, since German troops were stationed in Finland and fought on the northern frontier, and they were also (at the beginning) supported by the Baltic population, that saw them as liberators from the Russian invaders.
And for the other it makes sense for the game. I had a rather annoying case: I played as German and invaded the SU. The SU captured the most eastern Baltic city (I think it was Riga, the one south of Helsinki). But the Finish culture of Helsinki was so strong, that it completely surrounded the now Russian city. Since we were no allies, I could not pass through Finnish territory. So at the end I had conquered all of the SU, except for the former Baltic town, which I could not access with my ground units, since it was surrounded by Finnish territory.
The SU should receive extra troops later in the game. This to is historically accurate. It would enable the SU to make their counter offense, that finally led them until Berlin.
One: the US heavily supported the SU with war material, keeping the Red Army going. It would have collapsed otherwise. And it would not have had the power to conquer eastern Europe, after Germany had destroyed most of the Russian industry.
Two: The SU had strong troops stationed in the far east, expecting an Japanese attack. When the learned from a spy that the Japanese had decided against supporting Germany, they drew them of to the western frontier. It were these fresh eastern troops that halted the German troops before Moscow, when the western division were already nearly defeated.
What about entirely turning of War Weariness? It makes no sense an it is not right. Opposite to WW I, there was no nation in the WW II, in that the population started striking, or anything like that, during the war. Efforts for maximum production in order to win the war never ceased.
I hope, some of my remarks make sense. ;-) Thanks again!
Hi Guan.
1. Finland can't become an ally of Germany as then it will be at war with the western Allies. This would be a massive error in history.
However I will be forcing them into an open borders agreement with Germany in the future.
2. I'm trying to avoid giving troops for free. This was done in Desert War (vanilla civ) and detracted from that mod.
3. I will be addressing WW in the future.
Originally posted by Dale
2. I'm trying to avoid giving troops for free. This was done in Desert War (vanilla civ) and detracted from that mod.
I can understand the reasoning behind that - a large number of new units suddenly appearing - would seem to spoil it - depending on which side you are playing.
So can I suggest that if you are playing the historical (1) or semi historical (2) options you introduce a change as follows.
Assuming this does not entail to much extra programming work.
USA - all factories get 25% extra production. Over other civs. They do not enter the war till later anyway - so will not effect the early stages of the game.
Russia- all factories get 25% extra production, 6/8 turns after USA enters the war. This represents the extra aid they were given through supply [the forgotten naval convoys to Archangel]. Something that is not obvious in the game. Also, as someone posted the fact they redeployed troops from Asia to Europe on hearing Japan would not join the Axis.
Note: I am guessing on Europe, from other posters comments, I have not yet played it myself.
USA - all factories give 25% extra production, over other civs. This is increased to 50% at the time Russia enters the war against Japan. (US troops from Europe could now be deployed to the Pacific.)
Russia - all factories give 50% extra production, over other civs. Again they enter so late in the game - it does not unbalance it. ((In 2 games I have played - Japan wiped out Russia on both occaisions.)
UK - Need either more troops in India or as above higher output (25%) per factory. (In 2 games I have played - Japan wiped out UK in India on both occaisions. Strangly - never attacked HongKong - but stationed about 20 ships there.)
These changes just allow the stronger powers to produce more troops than the weaker ones - without the sudden influx of extra units that reflect reality, during certain stages of the conflict.
These are just my ideas - that may help you in some way.
I am sure there are some incidents that I have forgotten, but I am sure you get the gist of the post.Last edited by Harrier UK; August 22, 2007, 18:19."What if somebody gave a war and nobody came?" Allen Ginsberg
"Opinions are like arses, everyone has one." Anon
hi again,
May I ask:
Is there a way to interupt th e "Easter egg" - for example to stop it on the 25th turn and not waiting for the end ?
What's the differece between the difficulty levels - troops. knowage...?
And something which I noticed:
I'd played several games, mostly Germany, and I have the feeling that the AI is paying attantion on land masses on which is his capitol.
When I played Turkey, just to see what happens, the soviets are alwayes smashed by massive armyies while Norway or africa is left even without troops.
Is this a BTS issue or a RtW ?
Each add-on is making the gameplay better.
I'm playing the 1936 game as the germans, and I was able to punch through the Maginot Line by the time I finished with poland... You might want to consider lowering the arty bonus vs siege to 25%, or capping the amount of damage the line can recieve from arty bombardment... of the 5 I destroyed, one was entirely destroyed by bombardment alone (first planes to 50% and then artys)Indifference is Bliss
Originally posted by Harrier UK
This is something I have refered to in previous posts, on the pacific war.
I can understand the reasoning behind that - a large number of new units suddenly appearing - would seem to spoil it - depending on which side you are playing.
So can I suggest that if you are playing the historical (1) or semi historical (2) options you introduce a change as follows.
Assuming this does not entail to much extra programming work.
USA - all factories get 25% extra production. Over other civs. They do not enter the war till later anyway - so will not effect the early stages of the game.
Russia- all factories get 25% extra production, 6/8 turns after USA enters the war. This represents the extra aid they were given through supply [the forgotten naval convoys to Archangel]. Something that is not obvious in the game. Also, as someone posted the fact they redeployed troops from Asia to Europe on hearing Japan would not join the Axis.
Note: I am guessing on Europe, from other posters comments, I have not yet played it myself.
USA - all factories give 25% extra production, over other civs. This is increased to 50% at the time Russia enters the war against Japan. (US troops from Europe could now be deployed to the Pacific.)
Russia - all factories give 50% extra production, over other civs. Again they enter so late in the game - it does not unbalance it. ((In 2 games I have played - Japan wiped out Russia on both occaisions.)
UK - Need either more troops in India or as above higher output (25%) per factory. (In 2 games I have played - Japan wiped out UK in India on both occaisions. Strangly - never attacked HongKong - but stationed about 20 ships there.)
These changes just allow the stronger powers to produce more troops than the weaker ones - without the sudden influx of extra units that reflect reality, during certain stages of the conflict.
These are just my ideas - that may help you in some way.
I am sure there are some incidents that I have forgotten, but I am sure you get the gist of the post.
The UK, Germany, and Russia(to a lesser degree UK and France I think) should have much more resource capacity than they do, at least IMO.
On the other hand, I think the balance in the scenario currently(Europe, haven't completed pacific yet) is really, really, good. it may not be feasible to adjust that kind of thing without upsetting it.
I haven't noticed that one side is much easier to play(though some countries are). I haven't tried Germany since the tank changes or war weariness though. i changed the multiplier to "1" since Dale is going to do that anyway, and If anything I think this will help the allies. I will play Germany again soon to see how those changes have impacted them, but winning was so easy before that I don't anticipate much more difficulty.
Thanks for the great mod Dale. .
Would it be possible for Poland to start out with heaps of espionage against Germany? Or maybe Great Spy Marian Rejewski? Despite having not much Military the Poles did break the early Enigmas and read alot of German traffic.
I know Poland Mostly gets smacked around in WWII, but I'd like to see them get credit for one of the few things they got right.It is better to be feared than loved. - Machiavelli