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Stuff that vanishes from cities when you capture them...

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  • Stuff that vanishes from cities when you capture them...

    Some questions on capturing cities...

    I know that when a city is captured, all National Wonders in it are destroyed. If I lose a city with a NW in it, can I then rebuild the NW somewhere else? (NO, I presume)

    If there are settled GPs in a city, are they lost when it is captured? (YES, I presume)

    Is it correct that all buildings that produce culture and ONLY culture are destroyed? And is it also correct that buildings that produce both culture and something else (e.g. Academies, WoWs, Shrines) are not lost but have their cultural output set to nil?

    If a city is recaptured, do the culture-producing buildings like Academies and Wonders start producing culture again?

    Are Unique Buildings lost, or changed into their non-Unique equivalent when captured (in the manner of the Fast Worker)?

    When a capital is lost, is the Palace rebuilt elsewhere without cost? (YES, I presume)

    Is there a reason why I never seem to capture cities with Monasteries in them, or is that just bad luck? (If one captures a holy city, it's nice to be able to build missionaries, but after Scientific Method new Monasteries are unavailable)

    Do culture bombs (Great Artist) in a captured city while it is in a state of unrest have any effect? Or do their effects manifest after the city comes out of anarchy?

    Do any of the mods/XPs (Warlords, Blakes or BtS) address the AI-leaving-ships-in-a-threatened-city bug? I can sort of see why I can capture/kill workers, settlers and GPs in a captured city - if they run, they're helpless, so staying in a defended city is no worse of an option. But ships? At least they have a fighting chance at sea. (I've lost Destroyers chasing down stacks of Frigates and Galleons.)

    What determines what kind of units you get in a city that's gifted to you? If you don't have Open Borders with the gifter, where do the units in that city go?

    If you extort the gift of a city, are any of the improvements in it lost?
    "I'm a guy - I take everything seriously except other people's emotions"

    "Never play cards with any man named 'Doc'. Never eat at any place called 'Mom's'. And never, ever...sleep with anyone whose troubles are worse than your own." - Nelson Algren
    "A single death is a tragedy, a million deaths is a statistic." - Joseph Stalin (attr.)

  • #2
    Re: Stuff that vanishes from cities when you capture them...

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man I know that when a city is captured, all National Wonders in it are destroyed. If I lose a city with a NW in it, can I then rebuild the NW somewhere else? (NO, I presume)
    I believe you can but I am not positive.

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man If there are settled GPs in a city, are they lost when it is captured? (YES, I presume)
    I believe they are but again I am not positive.

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man Is it correct that all buildings that produce culture and ONLY culture are destroyed? And is it also correct that buildings that produce both culture and something else (e.g. Academies, WoWs, Shrines) are not lost but have their cultural output set to nil?
    That is partially true. Buildings like castles that produce multiple effects are destroyed because they are normal buildings that can be rebuilt. WoW, Shrines, Academies are all special buildings so they are not destroyed but their culture output is reduced to zero.

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man If a city is recaptured, do the culture-producing buildings like Academies and Wonders start producing culture again?
    I assume you mean by the original owner. If so then yes they begin producing culture again.

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man Are Unique Buildings lost, or changed into their non-Unique equivalent when captured (in the manner of the Fast Worker)?
    They are converted to the non-unique building IF they are captured. Remember that buildings that aren't automatically destroyed have a chance to be destroyed, though I don't know what the chance is.

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man When a capital is lost, is the Palace rebuilt elsewhere without cost? (YES, I presume)

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man Is there a reason why I never seem to capture cities with Monasteries in them, or is that just bad luck? (If one captures a holy city, it's nice to be able to build missionaries, but after Scientific Method new Monasteries are unavailable)
    Monasteries produce culture thus they are automatically destroyed when a city is captured. It's one of the reasons I wish monasteries quit producing their science bonus after scientific method but were still available to build.

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man Do culture bombs (Great Artist) in a captured city while it is in a state of unrest have any effect? Or do their effects manifest after the city comes out of anarchy?
    Great artists end the unrest immediately so their effect takes place immediately.

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man Do any of the mods/XPs (Warlords, Blakes or BtS) address the AI-leaving-ships-in-a-threatened-city bug? I can sort of see why I can capture/kill workers, settlers and GPs in a captured city - if they run, they're helpless, so staying in a defended city is no worse of an option. But ships? At least they have a fighting chance at sea. (I've lost Destroyers chasing down stacks of Frigates and Galleons.)
    Not that I've seen.

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man What determines what kind of units you get in a city that's gifted to you? If you don't have Open Borders with the gifter, where do the units in that city go?
    I believe it's based on your technology and the city size. You automatically gain at least one of your best defender with zero experience and the bigger the city the more defenders. The most I've ever had appear in a city was two.

    Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man If you extort the gift of a city, are any of the improvements in it lost?
    I believe any culture producing buildings are destroyed but everything else is intact.
    "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Ben Franklin


    • #3
      Re: Stuff that vanishes from cities when you capture them...

      Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man
      Some questions on capturing cities...

      I know that when a city is captured, all National Wonders in it are destroyed. If I lose a city with a NW in it, can I then rebuild the NW somewhere else? (NO, I presume)

      I think you can

      If there are settled GPs in a city, are they lost when it is captured? (YES, I presume)

      I can't remeber if they die or go to your capital.

      Is it correct that all buildings that produce culture and ONLY culture are destroyed? And is it also correct that buildings that produce both culture and something else (e.g. Academies, WoWs, Shrines) are not lost but have their cultural output set to nil?

      I don't know

      If a city is recaptured, do the culture-producing buildings like Academies and Wonders start producing culture again?

      I don't know

      Are Unique Buildings lost, or changed into their non-Unique equivalent when captured (in the manner of the Fast Worker)?


      When a capital is lost, is the Palace rebuilt elsewhere without cost? (YES, I presume)


      Is there a reason why I never seem to capture cities with Monasteries in them, or is that just bad luck? (If one captures a holy city, it's nice to be able to build missionaries, but after Scientific Method new Monasteries are unavailable)

      I think Monasteries are automatically destroyed.

      Do culture bombs (Great Artist) in a captured city while it is in a state of unrest have any effect? Or do their effects manifest after the city comes out of anarchy?

      I think the latter

      Do any of the mods/XPs (Warlords, Blakes or BtS) address the AI-leaving-ships-in-a-threatened-city bug? I can sort of see why I can capture/kill workers, settlers and GPs in a captured city - if they run, they're helpless, so staying in a defended city is no worse of an option. But ships? At least they have a fighting chance at sea. (I've lost Destroyers chasing down stacks of Frigates and Galleons.)

      Don't know

      What determines what kind of units you get in a city that's gifted to you? If you don't have Open Borders with the gifter, where do the units in that city go?

      To the second queston. I can't remember whether they are bumped out or sent to the capital. If it is latter, they are sent with Open Borders.

      If you extort the gift of a city, are any of the improvements in it lost?

      Once again, I don't know
      The video may avatar is from


      • #4
        - Dregor


        • #5
          Re: Stuff that vanishes from cities when you capture them...

          Some have already been answered, but:

          Originally posted by Six Thousand Year Old Man
          Some questions on capturing cities...

          I know that when a city is captured, all National Wonders in it are destroyed. If I lose a city with a NW in it, can I then rebuild the NW somewhere else? (NO, I presume)

          If there are settled GPs in a city, are they lost when it is captured? (YES, I presume)
          I believe so. I've lost them before...

          Is it correct that all buildings that produce culture and ONLY culture are destroyed? And is it also correct that buildings that produce both culture and something else (e.g. Academies, WoWs, Shrines) are not lost but have their cultural output set to nil?

          If a city is recaptured, do the culture-producing buildings like Academies and Wonders start producing culture again?

          Are Unique Buildings lost, or changed into their non-Unique equivalent when captured (in the manner of the Fast Worker)?
          UB's can be captured, but they change back to the generic building (if they weren't destroyed).

          When a capital is lost, is the Palace rebuilt elsewhere without cost? (YES, I presume)

          Is there a reason why I never seem to capture cities with Monasteries in them, or is that just bad luck? (If one captures a holy city, it's nice to be able to build missionaries, but after Scientific Method new Monasteries are unavailable)
          Monasteries like temples and other non-unique culture producers, are automatically destroyed.

          Do culture bombs (Great Artist) in a captured city while it is in a state of unrest have any effect? Or do their effects manifest after the city comes out of anarchy?
          Culture bombs manifest after anarchy ends.

          Do any of the mods/XPs (Warlords, Blakes or BtS) address the AI-leaving-ships-in-a-threatened-city bug? I can sort of see why I can capture/kill workers, settlers and GPs in a captured city - if they run, they're helpless, so staying in a defended city is no worse of an option. But ships? At least they have a fighting chance at sea. (I've lost Destroyers chasing down stacks of Frigates and Galleons.)
          No, so far, unfortunately. Maybe BtS will address this. Sea warfare and proper use of ships has not been the AI's strength, I've found.

          What determines what kind of units you get in a city that's gifted to you? If you don't have Open Borders with the gifter, where do the units in that city go?
          The strongest defender you have, technologically, will show up in your gifted city (if you have gunpowder, a musketman will show up, even if you haven't built one anywhere else). If you don't have open borders, the units occupy an area near the city, but outside of your cultural area (two spaces away at least).

          If you extort the gift of a city, are any of the improvements in it lost?
          Only cultural buildings.

          Hope this helped.


          • #6
            ummm, there should be a rule that you do not 'lose' any of the cultural output if you capture city by culture flipping and not by sheer force. i mean, if the city decides to join your empire, there is hardly any reason for its scientists to run away, etc. after all, your soft power should work on them even more..


            • #7
              Re: Re: Stuff that vanishes from cities when you capture them...

              Originally posted by clarkcd
              Great artists end the unrest immediately so their effect takes place immediately.
              Hmmm, I didn't know that ... thanks for the insight Clarkcd!
              "One day if I do go to heaven, I'm going to do what every San Franciscan does who goes to heaven - I'll look around and say, 'It ain't bad, but it ain't San Francisco.'" - Herb Caen, 1996
              "If God, as they say, is homophobic, I wouldn't worship that God." - Archbishop Desmond Tutu


              • #8
                Re: Re: Re: Stuff that vanishes from cities when you capture them...

                Originally posted by Wittlich
                Hmmm, I didn't know that ... thanks for the insight Clarkcd!
                I'm glad I could pass along some good information but I do have to give credit to the phenomenal community here at Apolyton for teaching me that.
                "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." ~ Ben Franklin


                • #9
                  Hmm, warlords, normal patch.
                  I captured a city and it had a monument. I hadn't researched the tech to obsolete it. Why wasn't it destroyed? (Playing rome on a random draw)
                  It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                  RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                  • #10
                    Did you have stonehenge?


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by ColdPhoenix
                      Did you have stonehenge?
                      That was my thought as well...
                      Keep on Civin'
                      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                      • #12
                        I checked the XML, and here are the buildings for which the NeverCapture flag is set (Vanilla, 1.61):
                        Temple (all)
                        Cathedral (all)
                        Monastery (all)


                        • #13
                          It is nice when you have a Civ where your UB provides culture when the normal building it replaces doesn't.

                          As the Inca's, you can capture a city, and if it has a granary, you get a building with culture since it switches over to your UB.
                          Keep on Civin'
                          RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


                          • #14
                            Ah, I didn't build stonehedge but i did probably capture it. DOH I was on a roll and not really paying attention to what wonders I was capturing.
                            It's almost as if all his overconfident, absolutist assertions were spoonfed to him by a trusted website or subreddit. Sheeple
                            RIP Tony Bogey & Baron O


                            • #15
                              It's always weird when an aqueduct magically becomes a hammam, and simple harbors become extensive cothons.

