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Events in BtS?

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  • #31
    Demands from citizens could be strongly related to how you manage your civ. Maybe if you've an unhappy citizen then the people in the city would have a possibility each turn that they demand a colliseum or if you've got an unhealthy city they could demand an aquaduct. If you don't build one/start building one then they will get more annoyed over time, extra unhappiness for "you don't listen to us" or something.


    • #32
      I had thought of it that way at first, but I also thought that maybe unhappiness indicators (+1 because you didn't build a granary before the famine, and now we lost 3 of our 8 population!) might be something that would show up as demands grow more vocal.


      • #33
        I'd like positive events as well. Not just natural disasters or whatnot, but perhaps a "Great Person" event, where you just get an extra GP due to a serendipitous discovery in your laboratories or something. Or a brilliant financial minister arises, giving you extra gold for a period of time.
        “I give you a new commandment, that you love one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.”
        - John 13:34-35 (NRSV)


        • #34
          Random great people


          • #35
            needs galciv style moral decisions


            • #36
              needs galciv style moral decisions

              Including the "good/evil" aspect to Civ leaders would be quite interesting.

              I would want to see the actual decisions have more of an impact they they did in Galciv. Most of the time the immediate consequence for choosing one way or the other was pretty insignificant.

              Most of the choices were also geared toward "evil". You would tend to suffer alot more immediate penaltys if you wanted to go the "good" route.

              Implemented correctly, it could be a nice addition.
              Last edited by Pinchak; April 20, 2007, 01:40.


              • #37
                Originally posted by Pinchak

                Including the "good/evil" aspect to Civ leaders would be quite interesting.

                I would want to see the actual decisions have more of an impact they they did in Galciv. Most of the time the immediate consequence for choosing one way or the other was pretty insignificant.

                Most of the choices were also geared toward "evil". You would tend to suffer alot more immediate penaltys if you wanted to go the "good" route.

                Implemented correctly, it could be a nice addition.
                I don't know about that...

                Some people might get quite mad if some game depicts their leader as EVIL all the time.


                If the path to be evil / good is randomized, it will cause some very weird combinations.
                Gandhi could be the devil on earth?? ...just weird

                Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici

