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Accvio in Warlords CvGameCoreDLL.dll w patch 2.08

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  • Accvio in Warlords CvGameCoreDLL.dll w patch 2.08

    I have this savefile that will consistently cause an Accvio:

    Unhandled exception at 0x02244518 in Civ4Warlords.exe.dmp: 0xC0000005: Access violation reading location 0x0000000c.
    This is in CvGameCoreDLL.dll according to the debugger.

    This happens every time I end the turn.
    Playing as Persian, Noble, Standard map, Year is 1760. The game was started on an unpatched Warlords, since updated to 2.08.

    Dell Inspiron 6400, ATI Mobile Radeon X1400, XP SP2, DirectX 9.0c, latest MSXML

    Starting a new game works ok, but I'd really like to finish this one

    Some weird stuff I see in the log files is this, in LSystem.log:
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Colosseum/Colosseum.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Colosseum/Colosseum.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Colosseum/Colosseum.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Grocer/Grocer.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    Failed to place goal building ART_DEF_BUILDING_ISLAMIC_MONASTERY.
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Grocer/Grocer.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Grocer/Grocer.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Grocer/Grocer.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Grocer/Grocer.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Grocer/Grocer.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Obelisk/Obelisk.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Colosseum/Colosseum.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    Failed to place goal building ART_DEF_BUILDING_ISLAMIC_MONASTERY.
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Grocer/Grocer.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    building:Art/Structures/Buildings/Grocer/Grocer.nif does not contain a node called SHADOW. Its shadow, if present, will be corrupt!
    LSystem failed to place node Leaf_Farm_4x4!
    LSystem failed to place node Leaf_Farm_4x4!

    Any ideas?
    Attached Files

  • #2
    That shadow stuff is pretty normal. I'm not sure about the islamic monastery, though.
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


    • #3
      Anyhow the quick fix I see is load an autosave a turn (or as shortly as possible) before the one causing the crash. Does the crash still occur when you get to that year?
      <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
      I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


      • #4
        Oh yes, I can go back at least 20 turns and it still happens at the same time. I've tried to not build the same stuff, etc, but it still works out the same. Possibly something being built/ researched by one of the AI players triggers it...


        • #5
          Possible that it's an issue with the patching; although technically they're the same save version and should be compatible, who knows what minor change might have screwed something up As long as it doesn't happen in other games I'd not worry about it, if it happens regularly it's possible you have some corrupt files (or improper permissions).
          <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
          I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.

