Re: Re: Ideological premises in cIV
If this was an assignment, I would just point out that teh “evil video games” are responsible for increases in youth crimes and that they were indeed invented by Satan or commies or the freemasons (or all of the above). I would off-course cite various unsubstantiated opinions of people who can barley use a computer, produce no scientific evidence for my claim whatsoever, and splice together a 30 minute gore video showing a few scenes from Painkiller and Manhunt. I’d off course get a 9 and be instantly cited as yet another authority who believes that “video games” are destroying the youth of America, Japan and Europe.
Originally posted by Brutus66
When is this assignment due?
This thread smacks of the accumulation of an overabundance of college credit hours by the original poster.
When is this assignment due?
This thread smacks of the accumulation of an overabundance of college credit hours by the original poster.