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  • #16
    Re: Re: Ideological premises in cIV

    Originally posted by Brutus66

    When is this assignment due?
    This thread smacks of the accumulation of an overabundance of college credit hours by the original poster.
    If this was an assignment, I would just point out that teh “evil video games” are responsible for increases in youth crimes and that they were indeed invented by Satan or commies or the freemasons (or all of the above). I would off-course cite various unsubstantiated opinions of people who can barley use a computer, produce no scientific evidence for my claim whatsoever, and splice together a 30 minute gore video showing a few scenes from Painkiller and Manhunt. I’d off course get a 9 and be instantly cited as yet another authority who believes that “video games” are destroying the youth of America, Japan and Europe.
    I'm not buying BtS until Firaxis impliments the "contiguous cultural border negates colony tax" concept.


    • #17
      Re: Re: Ideological premises in cIV

      Originally posted by Dis
      How have the ideological premises changed in Civ over the years? Which are in civ currently? Here are some ideas:

      -Nation-state is still the only possible for of government

      I always thought it was more of a city state.
      Well, in the early game it is, but that only lasts until you have more cities. In fact all of your cities are under your complete control (no local autonomy) and cities don’t have any local policy modifiers (in other words laws are the same everywhere, there is again no autonomy), the military is supported by the entire civilization (not cities like Civ2), all your cities produce the same culture (there is no cultural diversity within a civilization). There isn’t even a civic that would allow you to at least formally have such an organization (Republic was defined as such in Civ 2/3, Representation is a different deal altogether).

      Overall I’d say you are wrong (at least in Civ4), nation-state is the only possibility in a similar sense to communism being the de facto economical civic (as discussed in another thread). But you do make a valid point for Civ2.
      I'm not buying BtS until Firaxis impliments the "contiguous cultural border negates colony tax" concept.


      • #18
        Re: Ideological premises in cIV

        Originally posted by _BuRjaCi_

        How have the ideological premises changed in Civ over the years? Which are in civ currently? Here are some ideas:

        -Nation-state is still the only possible form of government,

        Well the Barbarians are still individual city states. It's not like they organize together, it's just that they all hate you.

        -Global coexistence is a matter of wining or loosing,

        Not if you turn off all victory conditions it isn't.

        -A people are defined at the beginning of time only assimilation or destruction is possible nothing new can arise,

        Well, I don't think Vassalage is either one of those, exactly. The voluntary Vassalage is especially different, since the Vassal can back out of the agreement. Why they would leave my benevolent warlordship is beyond me, but they can and do.

        -Global warming is only caused by nukes (stupidity)

        You are correct. Global warming is caused by both nukes and stupidity. Unfortunately, that's now quite how it works in the game.

        -there isn’t any racism like C3 (which is a good thing) , leaders define the character of the nation,

        I don't know about that. I would characterize my civilizations as often violently xenophobic. Also, I find myself very sensitive to color attributes. That shade of green for Montezuma, for example, brings out terrible behavior in my people. I'm fairly sure Tokugawa feels the same about me. It is not polite at all.

        -all men are created equally except great people-supermen (reading up on Nietzsche are you? , but seriously the implication of this is that education and health care are pointless since either you are a GP or a drone there is no middle ground),

        No, you can be a Worker, a Soldier, a Citizen, a Specialist, a Super Specialist, or a Great Person. Of them all, Great People seem to have the shortest lifetimes. Strange, isn't it?

        -leaders are immortal (leader-cult),

        No, in my empire its proper reverence and respect. In other empires it is leader cults of the worst kind.

        -religion is the opium of the people (since it only helps with happiness, culture and helps governing them),

        No, religion is the great divider between people. At least it is when Isabella is involved. Religion can also help citizens work faster and soldiers fight harder. Opium never did that.

        -people are only born to pay taxes and die for glory.

        What about those nasty red shirted folk? (Well, they can die for production, which isn't quite so glorious as battle.) Also, Engineers and Artists and settled Generals don't pay taxes either, the slobs.

        This is a silly thread so put on you’re tin foil hats and think paranoid and outlandish. Remember this is the internet, make sure Big Brother doesn’t get too upset.

        As my own Big Brother, or Big Mother as the case may be, I have no desire to worry about or submit to any other totalitarian leader in so called real life. Could it be that the Civ franchise is raising a generation of people who think they can think for themselves? A truly revolutionary thought that we must keep restricted to obscurity. A thread like this will do nicely.

        Can I take off my tin foil hat now, please? I've got supper to get ready and need the foil.
        If you aren't confused,
        You don't understand.


        • #19
          Re: Re: Ideological premises in cIV

          Originally posted by eris

          As my own Big Brother, or Big Mother as the case may be, I have no desire to worry about or submit to any other totalitarian leader in so called real life. Could it be that the Civ franchise is raising a generation of people who think they can think for themselves? A truly revolutionary thought that we must keep restricted to obscurity. A thread like this will do nicely.

          Can I take off my tin foil hat now, please? I've got supper to get ready and need the foil.
          Indeed, but the tin foil hat should stay on. You don't wan't to be abducted just because you're hungry, now do you?
          I'm not buying BtS until Firaxis impliments the "contiguous cultural border negates colony tax" concept.

