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Are there certain combinations of Civs that will War?

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  • Are there certain combinations of Civs that will War?

    I played several games lately, and there've only been one brief war in each of them.

    It's kind of boring.

    My last game I had Montezuma, Napoleon, Alexander, Ceasar, Huayna Capac, Tokugawa, Genghis Kahn, Catherine, Isabella, and I think Bismark.

    There was one short War, that's it. Pretty much most of the game they were all pretty much buddy-buddy with each other.

    I specifically picked the more aggressive profiles to have a little more action - I've had four or five Diplomatic wins in a row

    My question, are there certain combinations of Civs that just won't get along and generally go to war pretty much all the time?

    I'm playing on the 1.61 Patch, and I don't recall it being like this on the earlier Patch. It has/had been several months since I've played though, so maybe I'm thinking Civ 3.

  • #2
    The video may avatar is from


    • #3
      Hmm, maybe that's another reason I shelved (Oblivion being the other) this way back then . . . .


      • #4
        shelved!! that is heresy.

        This is too good a game not to give it a chance. I'm not exactly sure what you are asking, but I'm sure someone on here can help you. There are plenty of mods out there. Maybe one of them will fit your needs.


        • #5
          I'm using Blake's AI so there will probably be differences to the normal AI.

          In my last game Washington and Alexander really didn't get along but otherwise it was pretty quiet. (Well except for me who went for conquest. )

          I'd say : Washington, Alexander, Musa, Napoleon and perhaps Montezuma but he's just too stupid to fight and actually get something.

          However it's hard to tell how a game develops.

          However if you want some action guaranteed you probably have to help a bit. One way is to go to the world editor and declare some wars.

          Another way is to make sure initial strengths between the AIs are disbalanced. For example give one AI 2 settlers + 1 worker + 2 scouts and the other only a settler. That should cause some wars as the one AI should always be ahead of the other.

          I wonder if it would help making goody huts pop settlers and workers on higher levels.
          EDIT: Nope it doesn't help as the AIs don't pop settlers. Mod in a 100% settler chance, place lots of huts around their starting location, but they will not have an additional settler.
          Last edited by ben04; December 31, 2006, 07:07.


          • #6
            Play aggressive AI.

            And if you want wars, start one.


            • #7
              Found two (early) religions, and agressively spread both to different sides.
              I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


              • #8
                Heresy? Yeah, maybe. I've played all the "original" Civs over the past many years. This one is good don't get me wrong, but the script is getting too familiar - you know, x Movie part I, II, III, etc..

                The AI's are/have been pretty much unbalanced a large part of the game. The strongest AI's score is generally twice the weakest's AI's, and the land areas occupied correspond to this as well.

                I didn't think it was going to be a requirement to force the AI's to be aggressive, I expected them to be aggressive from the default - that's pretty much how it was in previous Civs anyway.
                I really hate to have to start a war myself or bribe someone to do so. Now if I could do it without taking a Diplo hit with the AI's I'd do it, but that's just not the way this game works.

                Religions? I've generally founded all of them but the first one. The AI's will have different Religions, and they'll have the -4 hit for "falling sway to a Heathen Religion" with the other Civs, but at most they'll just be Cautious or Annoyed (not common).

                So, they'll have different Religions, be upset with close Borders, aggravated for trading with their worst enemies (really - who?), but they won't fight

                And once you get the UN you may as well go ahead and work on the Diplo Victory, because all the UN does is turn everyone into Clones (Civics/Religion/etc.) - so then there are definitely not going to be any wars . . . .


                • #9
                  Originally posted by wanderer27
                  Religions? I've generally founded all of them but the first one. . . . .
                  Ahh, that's your problem! If you are founding 6 of 7 religions either you are VERY good or you are playing an easy level.

                  I think you will find the AI will be more viable if you move up a difficulty level or two. At easy difficulties the AI are a little hamstrung.

                  I'm just a Noble player, myself.


                  • #10
                    Yes, but as I explained, the other Civs have different Religions from each other (and associated penalties), and they still won't fight each other.

                    I've seen them with a +1 for Peace with a rival and a -7 for trade, civic, and religion penalties and at most they'll just be Annoyed.

                    What else is there to tip them over the edge and go to war with each other?


                    • #11
                      lets not forget:

                      raging barb's
                      always war
                      anti steam and proud of it

                      CDO ....its OCD in alpha order like it should be


                      • #12
                        What the heck does raging barb's have to do with AI relations???
                        1st C3DG Term 7 Science Advisor 1st C3DG Term 8 Domestic Minister
                        Templar Science Minister
                        AI: I sure wish Jon would hurry up and complete his turn, he's been at it for over 1,200,000 milliseconds now.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by joncnunn
                          What the heck does raging barb's have to do with AI relations???
                          I guess it give them larger armies. Always War improves AI relations since they are in a joint war with you.
                          USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
                          The video may avatar is from


                          • #14
                            Alexander seems to attract a lot of wars. And when someone goes out before I meet them, it's more then half the time Tokugawa. Montezuma rarely goes out from a war, atleast from my expirence.


                            • #15
                              I've had Alexander in my two last games. He was pretty much a non factor.

                              The Egyptian chick was in two of the last three and she was involved in two of the wars (one each game), once as the attacker and the second as the receiver.

                              I've currently started a new game, jumped up to Noble, and there's not a lot of joy in this one. I've been in a constant war with the Barbarians on two fronts. I must have fought off over twenty units so far, and they just keep coming with no end in sight. I even had a Barbarian take out a three star Axeman I don't think I've been attacked this well by even any of the other Civs before, and I'm NOT using Raging Barbarians, just the default Barbarian setting.

                              This one's probably going to end up as a huge loss. I'm spending so much energy and resources on fighting off the Barbs that my expansion is pretty much at a standstill, and therefore my Research is at a crawl. No telling how far behind in Tech/Culture I am at this point, I definitely lost out on founding at least two Religions already, so that's not boding well . . . .

