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Plans for new XP or Civ5?

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  • #91
    Originally posted by jbp26

    well.. no. it would probably be a good addition to the game if most people found it fun- otherwise its a waste of time and resources to create, that could be spent on something more enjoyable.
    By the same reasoning multiplayer would be a waste of time, considering most people dont use it.

    Although i agree, random events arent fun in this kind of game where youre competing with other players.

    In a game like Sim City it can be fun though, as youre on your own.
    Call to Power 2: Apolyton Edition - download the latest version (12th June 2011)
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    One way to compile the CtP2 Source Code.


    • #92
      Well of course they should make natural disasters optional if they were to put them in. Not everybody would like it.

      Personally, I think they should have different terrains have different propensities for disasters (eg. volcanoes for mountains and islands, hurricanes for coasts, earthquakes for fault areas, etc.)

      It wouldn't make sense to suddenly have a flash flood in your desert kingdom.
      The Apolytoner formerly known as Alexander01
      "God has given no greater spur to victory than contempt of death." - Hannibal Barca, c. 218 B.C.
      "We can legislate until doomsday but that will not make men righteous." - George Albert Smith, A.D. 1949
      The Kingdom of Jerusalem: Chronicles of the Golden Cross - a Crusader Kings After Action Report


      • #93
        Well, Civ3 - Conquests had volcanoes destroying nearby improved tiles.

        As that Idea was not implemented in Civ4, I guess it was considered unpopular. (excuse my bad spelling - it is late and I am tired.)

        Also Civ3 had the plague concept - again not re-used.

        So I guess natural disasters are not fun and are considered by most casual players as game breakers.

        Just my thoughts.


        Where did that red hat on the top of my smillie - come from.

        It is now illegal in my country, due to Labour Politics and Political Correctiveness.

        If I put a poster up with a similar figure in my window, I could be fined for causing Racial Offense.

        Seven years ago, I lived near a town called Watford (23 miles from the centre of London). The Labour (socialists/semi old secret communists) town councellors banned Father Christmas because it was considered sexist.

        So no father christmas figures could be displayed in the town centre, incase they offended women.

        Now we can not do it, incase it offends other religious beliefs - even if they are not indiginous to our country.

        So have a merry festival everyone.
        Last edited by Harrier UK; December 12, 2006, 21:05.
        "What if somebody gave a war and nobody came?" Allen Ginsberg

        "Opinions are like arses, everyone has one." Anon


        • #94
          Add more game modes, like 'Secret Capital', where each Civ could once (say before 1000 BC) define a city to be it's hidden 'capital' (aside from the normal capital city) and the other Civs have to guess and capture/destroy (only) this city to win (great fun if you e.g. choose some barely defended fishing village).

          Or 'Secret Missions' where everyone pulls a mission at the start of the game (say kill Civilization X, hold X Cities etc), where goals may interfere.

          You know, similar to the Risk board game ( ), could be fun at least for MP (I doubt the AI could be programmed for this).

          Or then some sort of 'Capture and Hold' where you get points per turn for holding special cities (can not be razed).


          • #95
            Or 'Secret Missions' where everyone pulls a mission at the start of the game (say kill Civilization X, hold X Cities etc), where goals may interfere.
            LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


            • #96
              This is why I suggested plate tectonics, because in the same way that earthquakes come into play where to plates meet, volcanoes also tend to be formed at the edges of plates. The game doesn't need to include continental drift to make plate tectonics useful for other disasters.

              Originally posted by Alexander01
              Well of course they should make natural disasters optional if they were to put them in. Not everybody would like it.

              Personally, I think they should have different terrains have different propensities for disasters (eg. volcanoes for mountains and islands, hurricanes for coasts, earthquakes for fault areas, etc.)

              It wouldn't make sense to suddenly have a flash flood in your desert kingdom.


              • #97
                We need more Future era Units as far as I Heard they are in the next XP anyone else heard this
                Last edited by bantams; December 21, 2006, 03:48.


                • #98
                  Originally posted by bantams
                  We need more Future era Units as far as I was told they are in the next XP anyone else heard this

                  Oh and It was a tester who told me
                  The tester should not have said anything since it's a violation of the NDA. Then again, you shouldn't have posted about what you heard in a public forum because it indicates that someone who is under NDA is leaking information.

                  I don't mind hearing about stuff that will be added, but it's best to keep any information about products that are under NDA off any public forum. Implied things like, "It's something that I suspect might be added at some point" will prevent your source from getting in trouble, as well as keep the flow of information going since you are seen as a "low risk" for him/her.


                  • #99
                    Originally posted by Maquiladora
                    Although i agree, random events arent fun in this kind of game where youre competing with other players.
                    On the contrary, I loved the random events in SMAC. When the sunspots came out and communications went down, it was atrocity city, baby!
                    "My nation is the world, and my religion is to do good." --Thomas Paine
                    "The subject of onanism is inexhaustable." --Sigmund Freud


                    • Originally posted by bantams
                      We need more Future era Units as far as I was told they are in the next XP anyone else heard this

                      Oh and It was a tester who told me
                      LOL. I would not take anything seriously that a so-called "tester" says about the next XP.

                      There's lots of rumours floating around. Anyone heard the one that the next XP will have giant death robots?



                      • Originally posted by Dale
                        Anyone heard the one that the next XP will have giant death robots?

                        Oh please don't revive that one! Solver finally killed that thread, don't let it rear it's ugly head again.


                        • "Threads die. Bad ideas live forever" - Solver, 2006.

                          Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                          Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                          I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                          • There could be a futuristic scenario - perfectly plausible.


                            • Originally posted by Targonis

                              The tester should not have said anything since it's a violation of the NDA. Then again, you shouldn't have posted about what you heard in a public forum because it indicates that someone who is under NDA is leaking information.

                              I don't mind hearing about stuff that will be added, but it's best to keep any information about products that are under NDA off any public forum. Implied things like, "It's something that I suspect might be added at some point" will prevent your source from getting in trouble, as well as keep the flow of information going since you are seen as a "low risk" for him/her.
                              Considering the high number of beta testers I actually know I doubt very much my sources will get found out


                              • Here's my "this should be in civ" rant.

                                Running a strategy of denial has been very popular in military history.. It's how Rome dodged defeat against Hannibal on Roman soil and how Germany almost destroyed Britain in the WWII.
                                If civ had visible lines of supply for units, and visible trade routes, both that where able to be pirated/blockaded, then you could play a strategy of denial.

                                Units who's supply lines are broken begin to loose HP,
                                Cities who are denied certain resources cannot produce units requiring that resource and loose income from that resource.

                                I think its a key strategic element that was unfortunately overlooked.

