I've just come across the cottage spam technique and it does work. I tend to have 1 city doing all my unit production - 1-2 turns per unit, the rest with cottages spammed everywhere as early as possible.
I've also found city placement is even more important than I thought (and i thought it was important). Placing near 2 big sources of food is essential for a city with huge income AND hammers.
I struggle to keep up on monarch so far, but playing on Prince is far too easy.
I also find you get a much fairer game if u turn off tech trading. AI's abuse this system, trading with each other but only trading with u at very high cost to yourself.
Also the power graph is so off sometimes.. I'm playing a prince game at the mo, the top AI's have more than double my score and double my power on the graph, yet I have more advanced tech/units. I have only 4 cities to the AI's 8-10 (4 AI's).. quite funny
I already have 10+ units in each city.
I've also found city placement is even more important than I thought (and i thought it was important). Placing near 2 big sources of food is essential for a city with huge income AND hammers.
I struggle to keep up on monarch so far, but playing on Prince is far too easy.
I also find you get a much fairer game if u turn off tech trading. AI's abuse this system, trading with each other but only trading with u at very high cost to yourself.
Also the power graph is so off sometimes.. I'm playing a prince game at the mo, the top AI's have more than double my score and double my power on the graph, yet I have more advanced tech/units. I have only 4 cities to the AI's 8-10 (4 AI's).. quite funny
I already have 10+ units in each city.