My most recent game (with the 208 patch) has taken a dramatic turn towards interesting. Last night I finished a war with Qin and found myself near the end of the tech tree with a reasonable lead in everything on my opponents:
Alex w/ vassal Capac
I am Russian with Gandhi as a vassal. Qin was the tech leader until I "liberated" Bejing last night, and now I'm solidly in the lead. Everyone is on fairly good terms and there's lots of trading going on. Qin was my best friend until a backstab to start the last war, so even we're on good terms.
This morning I decided to play for 20 minutes before I had to go to work. Boring... I started building the spaceship parts and all the other late game wonders, and I was finishing off the tech tree. I figure it'll be about 50 end-turn-clicks and then I'll be done.
The last turn before I HAVE to go leave for work I made the potential mistake of completing the UN and found that the 3 opponents together not only elected Alex to lead the UN, but potentially had the votes to elect him diplomatic winner. But before I had a chance to evaluate this, all three declared war on me at once. WOW! I have a quick look at their tech trading, and it seems that Alex and Qin traded about 4 techs back and forth and then gave a bunch to Capac. Suddenly there's tanks flowing into mine and Gandhi's borders.
The only military I've built since the war was a few Nukes. I've got about 10 stocked up. Most of my cities are just finishing spaceship parts except for a few core cities building the big parts. I've got 2 techs left until I can build all the parts, although I may need composites first to win this war.
Qin has focused on retaking a city he lost to me. Unfortunately for me, it was the only city I had on a river so I just spent 38000 gold to rush buy the Three Gorges Dam there. I really can't afford to lose that. About half of my infantry/cossak army is in that city, but there's a fighter/tank/sam inf battalion coming to smack it.
And then the time came, and I had to leave for work so I wouldn't miss my meeting. It's going to be a long day at work until I can return to finish this one off. Will I use Nukes to reduce their UN votes and destroy their armies? Will I tactically retreat, and lose the dam, until I can get a new army built? Will I try to defend Gandhi's land, or use him as a buffer?
I've never had an end game be actually interesting before. The new AI is great, and I hope this becomes a typical game
Alex w/ vassal Capac
I am Russian with Gandhi as a vassal. Qin was the tech leader until I "liberated" Bejing last night, and now I'm solidly in the lead. Everyone is on fairly good terms and there's lots of trading going on. Qin was my best friend until a backstab to start the last war, so even we're on good terms.
This morning I decided to play for 20 minutes before I had to go to work. Boring... I started building the spaceship parts and all the other late game wonders, and I was finishing off the tech tree. I figure it'll be about 50 end-turn-clicks and then I'll be done.
The last turn before I HAVE to go leave for work I made the potential mistake of completing the UN and found that the 3 opponents together not only elected Alex to lead the UN, but potentially had the votes to elect him diplomatic winner. But before I had a chance to evaluate this, all three declared war on me at once. WOW! I have a quick look at their tech trading, and it seems that Alex and Qin traded about 4 techs back and forth and then gave a bunch to Capac. Suddenly there's tanks flowing into mine and Gandhi's borders.
The only military I've built since the war was a few Nukes. I've got about 10 stocked up. Most of my cities are just finishing spaceship parts except for a few core cities building the big parts. I've got 2 techs left until I can build all the parts, although I may need composites first to win this war.
Qin has focused on retaking a city he lost to me. Unfortunately for me, it was the only city I had on a river so I just spent 38000 gold to rush buy the Three Gorges Dam there. I really can't afford to lose that. About half of my infantry/cossak army is in that city, but there's a fighter/tank/sam inf battalion coming to smack it.
And then the time came, and I had to leave for work so I wouldn't miss my meeting. It's going to be a long day at work until I can return to finish this one off. Will I use Nukes to reduce their UN votes and destroy their armies? Will I tactically retreat, and lose the dam, until I can get a new army built? Will I try to defend Gandhi's land, or use him as a buffer?
I've never had an end game be actually interesting before. The new AI is great, and I hope this becomes a typical game
