I have played two games since the patch and was able to pull off the CS slingshot both times. Both as Inca at Epic speed on Monarch and both I did some early quecha agression to get some cities. I also managed to make a GS for the academy as well.
The first was my normal tiny map loaded with 7 ai's (I know, don't bother getting on me about that) and I did not get any free techs from huts. I did cherry pick my start by restarting until I got a spot with a gold hill by a river with several flood plains.
The second one I tried a standard map with just one extra civ. Similar start, city founded on a gold hill on a river. For those that have not tried it you get to start with 12 or more commerce that way. Put an oasis nearby and you are at 14 from turn 1!
I don't think the stategey is dead, just not as easy as before. You really have to pick your civ and your starting location if you want a shot at it. Before the patch I would see about 1 in 6 starts where the computer beats me to oracle playing this way. I am not sure how it will work now since I have only tried the two games.
One thing I do know is that if you play it pasive early on you won't make it. You have to conqure your second city. Preferably one that is in an awesome location. Quecha's on Monarch are very nice. Don't build workers early, steal them.
The first was my normal tiny map loaded with 7 ai's (I know, don't bother getting on me about that) and I did not get any free techs from huts. I did cherry pick my start by restarting until I got a spot with a gold hill by a river with several flood plains.
The second one I tried a standard map with just one extra civ. Similar start, city founded on a gold hill on a river. For those that have not tried it you get to start with 12 or more commerce that way. Put an oasis nearby and you are at 14 from turn 1!
I don't think the stategey is dead, just not as easy as before. You really have to pick your civ and your starting location if you want a shot at it. Before the patch I would see about 1 in 6 starts where the computer beats me to oracle playing this way. I am not sure how it will work now since I have only tried the two games.
One thing I do know is that if you play it pasive early on you won't make it. You have to conqure your second city. Preferably one that is in an awesome location. Quecha's on Monarch are very nice. Don't build workers early, steal them.