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Warlords V2.08 bug thread

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  • #31
    Originally posted by Saurus
    The patch fixed none of the graphical problems I have been forced to deal with since installing Warlords. (theese problems do not exist in vanilla)

    1) There are still invissible resources (mostly gold)
    I can still mine the gold though since the resource-button still reveals the resource even though I cannot see the resource itself.
    Unless you have a graphics card issue, which shouldn't vary from vanilla to Warlords, you may have an image file issue - something may have been corrupt. I definitely recommend a total wipe of Civ4 AND warlords, and a reinstall. Make sure your Assets folder is deleted (may have to manually delete) as that's where the problem could lie.

    2) Misplaced gaphics for many resources. (So that cows and horses are not inside the pasture but outside of it for instance witch btw looks horribly stupid)

    3) Goody huts still shows up even after they have been explored. (only for a few seconds though, then they dissapear but by then I may well have sent a scout in that direction - only to find the hut dissapering once I reach it)

    4) Seemingly at random some terrain improvements cannot be seen.
    (I may build a farm for instance and get the benefit of the farm but on the map there is no sign of a farm.
    Or I might build a pasture witch do not appear on the map while I still do get the benefit of the pasture.)
    Okay, the rest of those sound like some sort of graphics card issue. It's certainly possible Warlords changed something to optimize something else, and that affected how your specific graphics card lays things out? Are you anywhere near the borderline of being able to play the game?? Definitely try the above wipe/reinstall, and if that doesn't help, consider turning down the settings, seeing if Windowed versus Full Screen makes a difference (both have problems of their own), and other than that ... no idea. But these definitely feel like the renderer is not quite functioning properly, on your machine, where it functions properly on most machines...
    <Reverend> IRC is just multiplayer notepad.
    I like your SNOOPY POSTER! - While you Wait quote.


    • #32
      haven't read the whole thread, but I get a sound bug (or was it always there?). When I build ships and planes I get the troops marching sound. Kind of lame.

      I sometimes get slow ups during the upkeep (beginning) phase of my turn. At first I thought it was because the wonder movie, but sometimes it does it when the list comes up asking you what to build in a city.


      • #33
        Originally posted by Saurus
        2) Misplaced gaphics for many resources. (So that cows and horses are not inside the pasture but outside of it for instance witch btw looks horribly stupid)
        They are supposed to appear inside the pasture when the city is working that tile and outside when it isn't (just like mines and other improvements are active or not).

        3) Goody huts still shows up even after they have been explored. (only for a few seconds though, then they dissapear but by then I may well have sent a scout in that direction - only to find the hut dissapering once I reach it)
        If you get a map that shows a goody hut and someone pops it before you get there then your unit will arrive to find it gone. Maps are a snapshot of how things were on the turn you got the map - they aren't updated for goody huts being popped, new cities being founded.

        If you are saying these aren't working as they should then, as Snoopy369 said it is probably either a corrupted file or a graphics card/memory issue.
        Never give an AI an even break.


        • #34
          Originally posted by Dis
          When I build ships and planes I get the troops marching sound. Kind of lame.
          The 'troops marching' sound is supposed to occur when enemy units are sighted, not when you build units.

          Alexman documented it as "Added audio to enemy unit warnings."
          Would it have been better to use Commander Riker yelling "Red Alert!" ??


          • #35
            Originally posted by Jaybe

            The 'troops marching' sound is supposed to occur when enemy units are sighted, not when you build units.

            Alexman documented it as "Added audio to enemy unit warnings."
            Would it have been better to use Commander Riker yelling "Red Alert!" ??
            I would prefer the robot from Lost in Space (the show): "Danger, Will Robinson, danger!"
            Those who would give up Essential Liberty to purchase a little Temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety. - Ben Franklin
            Iain Banks missed deadline due to Civ | The eyes are the groin of the head. - Dwight Schrute.
            One more turn .... One more turn .... | WWTSD


            • #36
              there still needs to be better indication of troops in my territory. I'm fighting a massive 3 front war (with the Vikings and 2 of his vassals), and I have to scan my territory closely to make sure I don't miss any troops in my territory. As there are simply too many messages to scan through, and too many troop marching sounds (which happens during my city upkeep which led me to believe it was making that sound for my troops being produced).

              And I still miss it when the ai lands some troops of a transport into my territory. Why is that so hard to see? I get so mad at myself for missing that. That's the only time I ever reload.


              • #37
                I'm not sure if this is a bug with the patch, but Civ4 causes my computer to restart. The problem according to the windos error messag upon restart seems to be with my display driver.

                This is my first game on a large world since I went back to my old video card (my new one died). This is a Radeon 9600 XT. My computer is an Anthalon 2600+ with 2 gigs of ram. The video card slows me down the most in this game. But I lowered all the graphics to minimum. The game starts amazingly fast with the graphics on low.

                The problem is at the start of my turn. Especially bad during wars (like my current war with the Vikings and his 2 vassals). The camera does not move over to my cities until after a very long delay. And it takes forever for me to be able to select something to build. And after a few turns the game and computer just crashes and restarts. This only became a problem after I revealed the map. For most of the game the map was unknown to me. I was involved in too many wars to build a navy to explore, and no one would trade maps with me until I finally got a few techs I could trade for one.

                Anyone have a problem with the massive slowdowns and computer reboots? I just updated my drivers (to try to get NWN2 to run better).


                • #38
                  Originally posted by Dis
                  there still needs to be better indication of troops in my territory. I'm fighting a massive 3 front war (with the Vikings and 2 of his vassals), and I have to scan my territory closely to make sure I don't miss any troops in my territory. As there are simply too many messages to scan through, and too many troop marching sounds (which happens during my city upkeep which led me to believe it was making that sound for my troops being produced).

                  And I still miss it when the ai lands some troops of a transport into my territory. Why is that so hard to see? I get so mad at myself for missing that. That's the only time I ever reload.
                  What would be good, is to have an option that kept all those icons that pop-up at the start of your turn {reminding you of AI activity} remain on the screen. Say in order at the left hand side of the screen. It the top one is flashing you then have three options.

                  1. Press Delete to clear them all.

                  Then either:

                  2A. Press Esc to clear the first one and highlite the next.
                  3A. Press Enter to move to the location of that event. Clearing the Icon and highlighting the next. Until all cleared.


                  2B. Click on any that you want to view the map location.
                  3B. When finished press Delete to remove the rest.
                  "What if somebody gave a war and nobody came?" Allen Ginsberg

                  "Opinions are like arses, everyone has one." Anon


                  • #39
                    Originally posted by Dis
                    there still needs to be better indication of troops in my territory. I'm fighting a massive 3 front war (with the Vikings and 2 of his vassals), ...
                    Consult your F5. Click on Ragnar and shift-click his vassals. Select "All Units" at the top of the list. Click on mini-map to go to your "Ack!!" area of choice.

                    If you do not deselect the civs or type-of-unit(s), when next you press F5 you will have the same selection PLUS YOUR CIV, ...
                    so you will have to shift-click your head to continue checking enemy locations, or normal-click your head for your own dispositions.


                    • #40
                      Well if he's going to go to all that effort he might as well just scour every part of the map in case. It's a particularly bad problem in multiplayer as well, where you cannot observe the AI's moves (Even with the option on), and more than once in a game the AI has managed to sneak in enough units to take a city or two without us noticing.


                      • #41
                        It isn't that much effort Gibsie. More of an "easier done than said" situation, especially since I included all the "fine print."


                        • #42
                          The late game lag is back. I was just playing a game on a Huge map and the lag became horrendous. Plus trying to use my grid crashed my system. This is while playing with Low Resolution. My system:

                          AMD 3500
                          Radeon X800 256 VRAM w/driver 6.9
                          4 gig of RAM

                          I didn't have a problem with stock Warlords, it's only since the patch that there's been an issue.


                          • #43
                            Originally posted by Dis
                            Anyone have a problem with the massive slowdowns and computer reboots? I just updated my drivers (to try to get NWN2 to run better).
                            Ye, I just ran into that myself. The late game lag was terrible, and rebooting the game didn't help like it usually did. Within minutes the game started bogging down again. And when I tried to use the grid my system crashed, though not a reboot. It just turned off my video card. This is on a Radeon X800 with low resolution, on a huge map. Which I didn't have a problem playing on before.


                            • #44
                              Hi, I couldn't resist the temptation to buy Warlords. I know I shouldn't have considering all the problems with Civ IV. But I figured since there was a patch (v2.08), most of them would be fixed by now.

                              Well, I had this problem before and maybe a patch fixed it. But it's popped up again. The new civs say something like "TXT_CIV_CARTHAGE_LEADER".

                              Is there anything I can do or do I need to wait for another patch?

                              Very disappointed to get another unfinished product from Take Two...

                              I'm this close to vowing not to buy another one ever again.
                              "I've spent more time posting than playing."


                              • #45
                                Originally posted by siredgar
                                Very disappointed to get another unfinished product from Take Two...

                                I'm this close to vowing not to buy another one ever again.
                                Would you like some cheese with that whine?

