I purchased this game used and the seller did not inform me of the CATASTROPHIC FAILURE problem on disc 2. Now I am stuck with a dead game.
Does anyone have a working 2cd disc that i could use, burn, possibly they burn, whatever? I am willing to pay, but I am really bummed over the fact that the company that put out this crap feels I should pay them to get their mistake corrected. I would rather allow my money to go elsewhere.
I do hope someone can help me. I have DSL so I could even download the 2cd disc info if needed. I have no idea if this is possible though.
Just so you know this is not a get game free, all I am asking for is the working 2cd disc info.
I hope someone can help.
Does anyone have a working 2cd disc that i could use, burn, possibly they burn, whatever? I am willing to pay, but I am really bummed over the fact that the company that put out this crap feels I should pay them to get their mistake corrected. I would rather allow my money to go elsewhere.
I do hope someone can help me. I have DSL so I could even download the 2cd disc info if needed. I have no idea if this is possible though.
Just so you know this is not a get game free, all I am asking for is the working 2cd disc info.
I hope someone can help.