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The Decline of Islam

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  • #61
    Originally posted by Badtz Maru

    Any balancing between the religions has to take this into consideration. Yes, Taoism is a late religion with an expensive technology, and you'd think it should get almost as good a boost as Islam, but Philosophy is a hugely important tech and being the first to Philosophy often means being first to Liberalism. As mentioned repeatedly by others, Divine Right is one of the less desirable technologies. I frequently skip it entirely, or only grab it if I'm really ahead and want to grab as many of the religions as I can. Divine Right is due a boost and I think making Islam a stronger religion would be an interesting way to do it.
    I'm usulay runing free religion by the time I get Islam and since I already have 2-4 religions per city its extremly difficult to spread islam beyond 5-8%. And to spread it in forgein cities more intensly? Not an option. I normaly protect myself with a ring of jewish,confucian or christian civs and I could never convert all of them without isolating one of my allies.
    I'm not buying BtS until Firaxis impliments the "contiguous cultural border negates colony tax" concept.


    • #62
      I think the better way is to slow down the spread. On large maps were Isabella discovers budism, its spreads like crazy, limit the spread, lower cost of missionaries. Then founders of new religions might walk a different part...

      In fact i gonna try to modify the spread attribute per religion. I did a search on wikipedia and tried to find out the status of world spread religion.

      33% chirstianity
      21% islam
      6% Budhism
      6% taosim
      14% hinduism
      0.22% judism

      and some others. Now Civ4 only knows these 6 which are good for 80.3% of the real world. Make 100 from the 80, multiply the values by that and i get:

      41 christianity
      26 Islam
      8 budism
      8 taosim
      18 hindusim
      0.3 judism

      Normal spread factor is crazy so lets drop it and see who is the religion spreader! Only judism is getting a bashing. But this is only the spread ratio here. I think i mod judism to spread for 3.

      If the AI don't pick up missionary spreading then i have to make the units cheaper or grant the lower religions more start missionary's.

      *ps im not a miracle in calculating stuff, but i just needed some value's so i did it the crappy way

      Now that i have played some games with these settings, on random and on earth 23 maps i notice that buddism, first discovered spreads slowly, all surrounding civs usually get it somewhere, far off territories dont. So bring in the elephants and the hindu's come in to place. Same thing happens. When judanism and other religions come to pass i noticed clearly that AI do want to found it for the holy cuty. Saladin on earth was buddist first while he founded islam. Few turns later the spread of islam was far better then the profit of buddism so he changed. That was like mid game on prince level. With all religions founded the world split up in many beliefs and then you gues it with agressive AI's, **** is gonna hit the fan.
      Last edited by Thrax; October 27, 2006, 06:00.
      The man who moves a mountain begins by carrying small stones...

      Stones carried 113151..mountain still there..

