Theocracy is Islams worst nightmare.
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The Decline of Islam
sort of ahistorical... christianity is based on judaism and islam based on the two of those again, buddhism sprung out from a hindu society (taoism and confucianism are borderline philosophy more than religion)
I think making the fight over religions fiercer will create first of all incentives for more religious warfare and in addition a threat that older religions be replaced by newer ones.Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst
Originally posted by couerdelion
So let’s say one of Judaism, Confucianism, Taoism get dropped and the following religions get free missionaries
Religions 1 and 2 (Budd and Hindu): 0 free missionaries
Religion 3: 0 or 1 free missionary
Religion 4: 1 or 2 free missionary
Religion 5: 2 or 3 free missionary
Religion 6: 3 or 4 free missionary
But you are right about the mapsize. When I stopped to think about it, it would be nice if there were a few less religions with smaller maps. Maybe they could randomize the religions and drop the ones given at certain points to maintain a better spread on smaller maps.
The older religions do seem to dominate, though Confucism and Christianity (middle religions?) have a decent shot at having an impact.
I've only very rarely seen Islam become a state religion... and that's usually some civ that has been beat up and it so happens that their last city is Muslim or something like that. Once in a great while I've seen an AI found Islam, spread across their empire, and switch over.
-Arriangrog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!
The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.
Chirstianity and Confucism will each be 1-2 civ's state religion.USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
The video may avatar is from
I feel that the early religions should be restrained a little. those religions are mostly regional, while the latest two, christianity and islam are the really big ones and the most active ones. I'm not saying we reenact history to the letter, just allow for those religions to come to their due position.
also, my ideas on religious competition could be a good way to spice up the game a little. syria-turkey used to be the heartland of christianity, now they are mainly muslim. if we used civ4 mechanics turkey would be buddhist and hindu and islam would be stuck in the arabian peninsula. allow newer religions to outcompete older ones somehow.Diplogamer formerly known as LzPrst
Religion spreads a little too easily in the early game. Especially accross water. In fact, I don't think religion should spread accross water at all unless you are using missionaries.
And missionaries should not be allowed to be built for early religions, only later ones. Or maybe after discovering the tech for christianity, allow missionaries to be built for all religions.
Originally posted by LzPrst
syria-turkey used to be the heartland of christianity, now they are mainly muslim.
This how religion should spread. The first religion to reach a city becomes 100% of a cities population is of that religion. The socond (or after) relgion to reach a city will become 5% of the cities population. Then the new religion will increase. The speed depends on how strong the new religion's influence is. Influence would be detirmend by distance from holy city and nearby religious buildings. Missionaries would give 15% (with no formor influence in the city) to 50% (when influence is already high). So what do you think?USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
The video may avatar is from
Religions should definetely spread across waters, especially with open borders (something else I appreciate about this game, a good feature), which is already implemented.
Imagine a sailor/merchant sailing to the country across the sea, and while he's there, asking, "where's the temple of my beloved religion of [INSERT RELIGION HERE]?" Then the locals say, "what are you talking about? We are only followers of [INSERT OTHER RELIGION HERE]." And then that sailor/merchant establishes the ideals and fundamentals of such a religion in that country.
They all live happily ever after.
The End.
One problem with making religons kill eachother out and such is it would drastically limit the ability to use monastaries for science, +50% culture buildings, or get large happy bonuses from free religon. The up to 70% science bonus being very important for researching as a builder and up to 450% culture mod being irreplaceable when going for a culture win inparticular.
Originally posted by Forwarn45
I like this idea or some variation of it.
But you are right about the mapsize. When I stopped to think about it, it would be nice if there were a few less religions with smaller maps. Maybe they could randomize the religions and drop the ones given at certain points to maintain a better spread on smaller maps.
But maybe this calculus is too tricky for a humble PC game. Once again, my status as a software noninitiate retards my relevance (see: n00b)."The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
"Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
"If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli
Originally posted by SirIlya
Also, perhaps slow down the automatic spread of religions quite a bit. So that fewer cities are seeded automatically outside the founding civilization unless it is spread intentionally via missionaries. This would mean that a civ might found a later religion and that religion would overcome the weakly established foreign religions.
this line will set spread factor:
< iSpreadFactor > 100 < / iSpreadFactor >
This file is located under Civ4 Assets folder, not Warlords.
Btw, I have not try it. Will only try it on my next game.
I think there needs to be a way for religions to lose influence on cities, not just gain it. Perhaps once a religion spreads to a city, it will only remain there for a certain number of turns (like 50 or 100) UNLESS you've built a temple for that religion, which will cement its grip on the city.