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Thought on New AIs

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  • Thought on New AIs

    Obviously Warlords has added new leaders and civs, as well as modifying old leaders. Personalities are tricking things... We all know that Montezuma is the eternal warmonger, and that Tokugawa is always irritable and unfriendly. But what of the new leaders?

    The biggest impact, in my opinion, is Augustus Caesar. he really plays his cards right. He's always near the top of the score totem pole, and he actually can both attack neighbors AND be friends with others at the same time.

    Wang Kon builds up well, but falters when it comes to being truly powerful.

    Ragnar and Brennus seem to function similarly, being friendly as long as there's nothing of yours they want. That being said, they never seem to rise above mid-tier.

    Ramses II seems a bit of a disappointment, with a mediocre performance.

    Cyrus also seems to have made a modest improvement from wussdom, though that might just be his new stats.

    What does everybody think of the new personalities?
    The Apolytoner formerly known as Alexander01
    "God has given no greater spur to victory than contempt of death." - Hannibal Barca, c. 218 B.C.
    "We can legislate until doomsday but that will not make men righteous." - George Albert Smith, A.D. 1949
    The Kingdom of Jerusalem: Chronicles of the Golden Cross - a Crusader Kings After Action Report

  • #2
    Shaka is actually capable of sustained aggression this time around, unlike Civ3.
    And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


    • #3
      I've never managed to really be friendly with Wang Kon, he's sort of like Tokugawa to me, almost equally as bad.

      Brennus is a leader that usually ends up being at war with me at least once.

      Ramesses is typically a good friend, he really likes you if you hate the same religion.
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #4
        I have played some 10 warlord games so far.
        Brennus, Shaka and Stalin has yet to show up.

        Hannibal seem to be warmonger and somewhat pesky about religion. He reminds me of spain, if maybe a tiny bit easier to come along with.

        Augustus Ceasar perform very well and is relatively easy to get along with.

        Also Churchill have performed well in the 2 games he has been included.

        Ramesses .. nothing spectacular. I have not yet been able to figure out his priorities yet. Seems to be much more agressive than Hatshepsut and be one of the lesser civilizations. In addition I think that Ramesses leaderhead is poorly amimated.

        Every single time I have met Ragnar, I have been wiped out by barbarians early so can say nothing about that man. Nice border color though
        GOWIEHOWIE! Uh...does that
        even mean anything?


        • #5
          In the games I've played thus far, the other computer AIs have consistently continually discouraged me from any sort of agreement with Wang Kon. I've wound up next to him in every game I've played thus far and usually managed to infect him with my early grabbed religion (Celts are great for this!)


          • #6
            Ragner seems to join wars thinking the nation who's side he's on will wear the down the other and dosen't send troops tell he finds out he is on the losing side.

            What about Hannibal?
            USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA! USA!
            The video may avatar is from


            • #7
              Brennan seems to be great at building large armies,
              at least in my current game.

              But he misses on staying up to date in technology,
              meaning that his large armies are totally obsolete.
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "I am the Harbinger of Death. I arrive on winds of blessed air. Air that you no longer deserve."
              Tamsin (Lost Girl): "He has fallen in battle and I must take him to the Einherjar in Valhalla"


              • #8
                Oddly, playing with all random opponent, I haven't had to play against the new leaders that often yet.

                Brennus and the Ottoman guy have both appeared, but both times they were very near to my borders and I had to wipe them out early. Brennus put up a fight. The other was easy pickings. In any case, I haven't seen either of them get past the early ages.

                Wang Kon has been in a lot of my games too. He seems horrible at making friends with his neighbors. In every game I've played with him, he hated everyone but me and everyone hated him. He seems to usually be involved in multi-front wars with his neighbors while I just sit back and watch from the distance because I've never been his neighbor. He usually holds on to the end-game but the other civs always beat him down pretty heavily from all the fighting so he is usually in last place. Don't get to interact with him much because trading with the last place guy when everyone else hates him just has no benefits.

                Other than that, I've been playing against the leaders from the vanilla game so far. Oddly enough. Catherine is her same old self. Gonna take a while to get used to her new deep crimson color.
                In a minute there is time
                For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
                - T. S. Eliot


                • #9
                  Wang Kon is very foolish, I'm in the middle of a game with him, where he had 1 city, with 1 longbowman, and I had 10 sowardmen next to the city, and for peace all I wanted was Philosophy, and he refused to trade it. Hell he offered Capiulation while he still had 5 cities, but he refused to give 1 technology when he was down to 1 defender on 1 city. Stupid AI.

                  Shaka is sort of like Tokugawa, he won't recklessly declare war, but he will amass a decent sized army, and will rarely trade anything.

                  Hannibal is a very decent AI. He's a perfect balance of military power and building to keep himself very high on the list. And he's a fairly good diplomat.

                  I havn't fought against Churchill even once in the game. So I have no sence for him, but he has very good traits for warring (the only better one maybe Tokugawa)


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by Proteus_MST
                    Brennan seems to be great at building large armies,
                    at least in my current game.

                    But he misses on staying up to date in technology,
                    meaning that his large armies are totally obsolete.
                    I can relate to this some amount. Brennus began on the other side of the continent in a stringy continents/islands game, and he expanded all the way to my borders roughly a quarter across the map.

                    He's also made large armies and put them on his border towns near me. Hrm.
                    Last edited by Schtix; August 2, 2006, 13:53.
                    Frieden, Land, Brot und Demokratie.


                    • #11
                      Mansa Musa is always near the top being the research and tech addict that he is. As soon as you get a new tech, he's on the phone asking for it.. grr..

                      One always has to deal with him at some point in a game and generally the sooner the better.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by =DrJambo=
                        Mansa Musa is always near the top being the research and tech addict that he is. As soon as you get a new tech, he's on the phone asking for it.. grr..

                        One always has to deal with him at some point in a game and generally the sooner the better.
                        Mansa Musa isn't a new leader...


                        • #13
                          Ghandi is now a complete wimp -- in my last game he bypassed all military tech in order to get to philosophy and switch to pacifism. While this would have worked well with his traits if I had allowed him to survive, it made his archers and the holy cities they defended into easy pickings.

                          I've been up against Wang Kon a couple times -- decent tech, stingy when it comes to trading. Wasn't a factor in the end game.

                          Celts have been agro the two times I've been up against them, but easily repulsed. Motivated by religion.

                          Vikings in my current game are hopelessly behind in tech -- my Jannisaries are chewing through their longbowmen and horse archers, no Berzerkers to be seen. Have been easy enough to deal with since I'm far ahead.

                          Julius has twice been my major competition in those games that I've played out. Seems much stronger in tech than in vanilla.
                          The undeserving maintain power by promoting hysteria.


                          • #14
                            Tokugawa has been changed. In my second game, he was the nominee for diplomatic win against Catherine and got every AI vote except Catherine's and Hatty's (who abstained). Luckily, I wasn't on the ballot, because he was friendly with Catherine too. I built the spaceship 4 turns later. I was really surprised, because Cathy (UN builder) beelined straight for mass media, which I don't think any AI ever did before.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by playshogi
                              Tokugawa has been changed. In my second game, he was the nominee for diplomatic win against Catherine and got every AI vote except Catherine's and Hatty's (who abstained). Luckily, I wasn't on the ballot, because he was friendly with Catherine too. I built the spaceship 4 turns later. I was really surprised, because Cathy (UN builder) beelined straight for mass media, which I don't think any AI ever did before.
                              I've had the AI build the UN and go for the diplomatic victory in the past in two of my vanilla games. I've seen Cathy do it, and I've seen Gahndi do it. It is uncommon, but it isn't new.
                              Last edited by jdchambe; August 3, 2006, 01:39.
                              In a minute there is time
                              For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
                              - T. S. Eliot

