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Great General generation on Marathon

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  • #31
    Re: Great General generation on Marathon

    Originally posted by Tis I
    Since it came out, the marathon mode has been my game of choice. However, i'm not particularly warmongerish, generally the only wars i fight are those when the ai declares war on me. However, in my first warlords game, i chose the Zulu and specifically made a point of being an agressive a-hole. I've conquered China (about 8 cities), vassalized the Aztecs (captured 5 cities, razed a couple more), and vassalized the Ottomans (captured one city, razed two more). Despite all of this warmongering i've only generated one great general.

    The default experience thresholds on maration are 90 experience for the first general and the 180 more for the second. Is it just me or does this seem like way too much?
    For some reason, Firaxis thinks that you'll fight 3x as many battles against the AI that you do on Normal speed. That's not a could estimate. Actually, the number of battles (and therefore the # of exp for a GG) should scale mostly to map size, with a little scaling for map speed.

    On my 'peaceful' Prince games on Warlords, I've never gotten more than 1 GG.

    On my most 'warmongering' game, I got 1 GG from the Axe war, then 1 GG from the Medieval war. I'm not sure if much of a modern war is even going to happen, but if it does, I don't really expect that it'll be large enough or long enough to generate a 3rd GG.

    So yes, I've scaled the XML down to "15", so that the first GG pop progression is 45, 90, 180,....


    • #32
      Re: Re: Great General generation on Marathon

      Originally posted by gdgrimm

      For some reason, Firaxis thinks that you'll fight 3x as many battles against the AI that you do on Normal speed. That's not a could estimate. Actually, the number of battles (and therefore the # of exp for a GG) should scale mostly to map size, with a little scaling for map speed.

      On my 'peaceful' Prince games on Warlords, I've never gotten more than 1 GG.

      On my most 'warmongering' game, I got 1 GG from the Axe war, then 1 GG from the Medieval war. I'm not sure if much of a modern war is even going to happen, but if it does, I don't really expect that it'll be large enough or long enough to generate a 3rd GG.

      So yes, I've scaled the XML down to "15", so that the first GG pop progression is 45, 90, 180,....
      Er, guys, for those us of that are sort of technically challenged, where and how do you go to "scale the XML down?" Inquiring minds would like to know.
      You will soon feel the wrath of my myriad swordsmen!


      • #33
        Changing Great General generation for Marathon

        Originally posted by Generaldoktor
        Er, guys, for those us of that are sort of technically challenged, where and how do you go to "scale the XML down?" Inquiring minds would like to know.
        Check out
        CFC-Not Enough Great Generals on Marathon?
        Much of the thread, but DrewBledsoe's posts, #22 & #26 in particular.

        I know, CFC is for hippies (and infantile juvenile rants), but occasionally (VERY occasionally) there is valuable content there.


        • #34
          I think that in the end the problem is that GG are penalized twice. They are generated by units, and units already take longer to build. Adding a 3x modifier double penalizes them.

          On Marathon, I beleive that units are 2x normal cost, vs. the 3x for everything else. To balance that out, I would suggest that GGs should be 1.5x longer. That way the 2*1.5 = 3 and GGs should show up the same amount regardless of speed, just like the other GPs.

          I do like the idea of scaling GG points with map size, but nothing else scales like that, so it would be hard to figure out the appropriate amounts of scaling.


          • #35
            I was harvesting the Spanish for this purpose and some of my units were massively experienced (I believe I had one unit with over 100XP - partially due to the fact he had a GG and was upgraded and kept fighting on)...but still only 2 GGs in that game, and one because I got to fascism first!
            Speaking of Erith:

            "It's not twinned with anywhere, but it does have a suicide pact with Dagenham" - Linda Smith


            • #36
              Originally posted by zeace
              I do like the idea of scaling GG points with map size, but nothing else scales like that, so it would be hard to figure out the appropriate amounts of scaling.
              I don't know if this helps, but the number of buildings needed for certain national wonders scales by map size, e.g., the number of courthouses needed to build the Forbidden Palace, hospitals for Red Cross, and number of banks required before being allowed to build Wall Street. (6 on Normal, 7 large, 8 huge)
              No matter where you go, there you are. - Buckaroo Banzai
              "I played it [Civilization] for three months and then realised I hadn't done any work. In the end, I had to delete all the saved files and smash the CD." Iain Banks, author

