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Warlords Now Available! Warlords SCREENSHOT Thread

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  • #16
    @ Solver: Don't keep us in suspense, did you capture the city?

    Tom P.


    • #17
      Originally posted by jdchambe
      yes. I know that this image is a little dim because the Malinese empire is still shrouded by the fog of war for me, but look at the great wall that the malinese built. specifically, look at how it cuts across a segment of the ocean... that surpised me.
      If you will [Ctrl-B] you will clear the fog (but not see city labels or troops).


      • #18
        ctrl-b will be useful in the future. but for now, I've instead moved my units into the area to get a better view of the great wall that crosses the ocean channel. you can also see my great general there.
        Attached Files
        In a minute there is time
        For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
        - T. S. Eliot


        • #19
          This thread needs more screens. So I'll add some.

          A new leader: Shaka of the Zulus.
          Attached Files


          • #20
            Another new leader: Mehmed II of the Ottomans.
            Attached Files


            • #21
              Warlords has provided many graphical enhancements to the game. For example, here's the new Asian city graphics. (Also note how the aqueduct has been reduced in size, to a scale more in line with other structures)...
              Attached Files


              • #22
                And here's the classical/Mediterranean city style. More to come later...
                Attached Files


                • #23
                  These screenies have me drooling to get Warlords...

                  Kudos because they are well taken as well.

                  Siga El Conejo Blanco
                  Dios, patria y libertad - Ecuadorian motto
                  | NationStates Roleplayer: The Honor Guard | Check out my Civ4 'friendly game' of MP: A Few Good Leaders |


                  • #24
                    this one doesn't show much that it new about warlords... but it does show the new color schemes for Greece and Russia (as Catherine takes Sparta and sets her eyes on Athens...)
                    Attached Files
                    In a minute there is time
                    For decisions and revisions which a minute will reverse.
                    - T. S. Eliot


                    • #25
                      Here is the new barbase scenario; NO WAY OUT!
                      Best Starting Position! EVER!
                      (Barbare Scenario)
                      ... at least the Galleys are free!
                      Attached Files


                      • #26
                        Similar to the Vanilla version - Warlord aqueduct...
                        Attached Files


                        • #27
                          Can't quite figure this one though... Lizzy wants me to stop trading with her vassal? I guess she wants to keep the Mongols weak...
                          Attached Files


                          • #28
                            Well, sometimes we might (intensely) dislike our capit vassal, even afterwards. Just because we lord over them doesn't necessarily mean we wish them well.

