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First core Warlords game... Weird

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  • First core Warlords game... Weird

    Okay, my first core Warlords game is going so strangely.
    I played the Celts, so I expected some oddity (Only on the hills. Only on the hills). I figured now was a good time to experiment as well. But ...

    Monarch level game.

    I have founded Hinduism and Judaism. Started with Mysticism, so this wasn't a huge surprise. Celts aren't so bad at snapping up religions.

    Then I figured, let's make the Celts a cultural powerhouse. I have marble nearby... And Polytheism + Marble = major opportunity now. There's two expensive wonders which are greatly helped with marble (Temple of Artemis and Parthenon). And here's where I start my "Wonder-based economy". I've essentially run 100% science the whole game so far (I'm currently getting Education) because I'm getting gold back from failing to build wonders. But I've got huge bonuses to building the wonders in the first place, so I'm not sure I'm losing all that much (+50% from marble. +25% organized religion... If I had a forge I'd be making MAJOR dough). At one point, I hit 1000 gold. But with a -50 gold/turn burn rate, that goes fast.
    I need courthouses. Fractional maintenance is causing problems for me, I think. I manage to actually get the Oracle out. I wasn't going for a slingshot, just another wonder. Hanging Gardens? No. The Great Library? No... I miss that one too.

    Galleys are for cry-baby civs. Triremes are where it's at (by the way, they require Sailing AND Bronzeworking). Too bad I didn't have some when France came around with theirs and killed all of my fishermen. Damn you, France! Have thirty gold pieces and a fragile peace. I'll deal with you later.

    I go to war with... Tokugawa who is France's whipping boy (France founded Buddhism). All goes well... My spearmen pwnzor Toky's chariots. And I think I'm winning after I take a relatively small city. That is until 10 war elephants show up outside one of my cities. I've got two spearmen there, two longbowmen, and one gallic swordsman but spearmen are not quite a good counter for war elephants. I take out one elephant (lucky) and a chariot and immediately sue for peace before he brings the hammer down. He takes it.

    So far, Gallic swordsmen have been a fairly unhelpful UU, and though I'm founding on hills, I can't say that the UB has been all that great either. That said, I haven't lost any cities yet either. So maybe it's been more helpful than I've realized. It's a small bonus across many units... and it just hasn't factored into my units yet. The Guerrilla 3 promotion however, is PATHETIC. +25 attacking into hills. What? What the heck good is that? City raider is +25% into cities. I thought perhaps that Guerrilla 3 would allow easier taking of hilled cities, but it's inferior to every City Raiding promotion. So, it's only really useful if you want to take on hilled units OUTSIDE cities (if you're attacking the Celts maybe or if you're playing Barbarians!) or if you have run out of CR promotions. I won't go for that again.

    I do have to say that Gallic Warriors are interesting for one other reason... They are alternatives to Archers and Longbowmen for city defense. With a strength of 6, and Guerilla I, you can defend your cities reasonably well with them.

    One small war so far and I'm 1/3 of the way to a warlord. 30 xp for the first one at normal speed apparently.

    My resources in this game are terrible. Terrible. 7 cities. I got rice, I got cows, I got fish, I got clams. I got pig iron, I got pig iron, I got all pig iron!!!! And nothing else. Every city is the same deal. More cows. More rice. Bad start, I guess.

  • #2
    I like the Triremes. They look very cool! There are also some new sound effects for bombarding and pillaging.

    Something else I saw in my first game that I have never seen before was a goody hut sitting on the same tile as a corn resource. I cannot remember seeing a goody hut and a resource on the same tile before.
    "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

    Tony Soprano


    • #3
      What are the stats for the Triremes?


      • #4
        I see nothing "wierd" to this game. Moving on.


        • #5
          Originally posted by dearmad
          I see nothing "wierd" to this game. Moving on.
          Yeah, there isn't much to comment about this game - you got unlucky at some points, lucky at others, experimented with different promotions and new additions, and the AI is simply better in Warlords than the vanilla.


          • #6
            I see nothing "wierd" to this game. Moving on.
            I'm sure the whole thing feels very weird being his first Warlords game!

            Thanks for sharing your experiences. Yeah, I have a feeling that Warlords is an entirely different beast, and we probably have months and months of new strategies to learn and old ones to unlearn.


            • #7
              Originally posted by dearmad
              I see nothing "wierd" to this game. Moving on.
              Maybe it is all just an internal oddity. I don't know that the AI is better, I certainly wasn't claiming that it was. The game FEELS different than my typical game, where I have tons of resources, a poor economy, and one to no religions.

              The slight changes to the game seem to have a deeper impact on the feeling of the game than I expected. Maybe it's just the Warlords honeymoon period.


              • #8
                The barbs seem a bit "smarter" in that they don't always attack suicidally. They will make you chase 'em down, the bastahds.

                That could be huge in barb-infested situations. No more setting up outposts in the back country to absorb the horde. Drat.
                "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
                "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
                "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Rancidlunchmeat
                  What are the stats for the Triremes?
                  Same as a galley, except they have +50% vs. Galley and no cargo space.
                  - Dregor


                  • #10
                    Galleys can be used as transports?!


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by CarnalCanaan
                      The barbs seem a bit "smarter" in that they don't always attack suicidally. They will make you chase 'em down, the bastahds.

                      That could be huge in barb-infested situations. No more setting up outposts in the back country to absorb the horde. Drat.
                      The past couple of games have really been barbarian fests as well for me. I've noticed the little buggers taking up positions on hills.

                      It doesn't help either when I go after their archers with an axeman only to lose him to a single archer. Grrr!

                      Damn it barbarians! Your job is to randomly attack whatever unit I put next to you, not position yourself smartly and attack with multiple units!


                      • #12
                        I played a game las night to get a warlord and try to see if quecha rush still works ok. I found that doing both at the same time works rather well. I now have a warlord Axeman (free upgrade!) with 40xp. I picked one of the warlord specific promotions for it (don't recall which) so it should be freakish. I don't think I will continue the game though, I got a so-so start and I failed in doing a CS slingshot because I captured too many cities trying to get xp.

                        I think inca is now quite good for CS slingshot because of the 50% wonder boost.


                        • #13
                          Incas still rule!

                          Originally posted by samspock
                          I played a game las night to get a warlord and try to see if quecha rush still works ok. I found that doing both at the same time works rather well. I now have a warlord Axeman (free upgrade!) with 40xp. I picked one of the warlord specific promotions for it (don't recall which) so it should be freakish. I don't think I will continue the game though, I got a so-so start and I failed in doing a CS slingshot because I captured too many cities trying to get xp.

                          I think inca is now quite good for CS slingshot because of the 50% wonder boost.
                          My first Warlords game was as the Inca on Monarch level. I won by domination with a score 4X my nearest rival and a clear tech lead. The Incas are simply awesome with the new warlords stuff. The quechas keep their combat one for early game effectiveness, Industrious fits very well into my normal early-game slingshotting and wonder-whoring, and the Terrace is a wonderful addition, as it is a perfect building for newly conquered towns (grow the borders and recover population faster). Also, the terrace can survive when a city is conquered, so a newly conquered city can sometimes be making culture right away without using artists.
                          "Cunnilingus and Psychiatry have brought us to this..."

                          Tony Soprano


                          • #14
                            Originally posted by Prussia
                            Galleys can be used as transports?!
                            Err.. yes?
                            - Dregor


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by Prussia
                              Galleys can be used as transports?!
                              Praetorians can be used for attacking enemy civs?

