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Barbarian continents

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  • Barbarian continents

    I was wondering if anyone had experience a random Continents map in which the barbarians had a large continent to themselves and were able to develop “peacefully”.

    In my current game, more messing about than anything, I’m playing Mao on Noble and, as time went by, discovered all 9 civs on the same continent which covered about 50% of the east-west map. I’d navigated all the coastal waters with a work boat quite early on and discovered a small island group just off my south east coast and I started colonising this early – the AI joined a little later courtesy of their usual “map-cheating”

    It was once I’d got to Optics and sent the Caravel west that I discovered more land and, rather than the small to medium island chain I was expecting, had to negotiate my way round a large land mass. On my travels I discovered roaded jungles and two barbarian cities – not to mention the many villages waiting to be popped.

    I’ve yet to fully scout the land as I have only just got my explorer onto the island – wanted to circumnavigate first – and have a galleon on the way with a knight, maceman and catapult with another soon to follow carrying Choks and a worker. So it will be a little while before I can get the fully extent of this “new world”.

    The plan, of course will be to take the barb cities and grab as much land as possible – and pop the huts for the odd free tech – so it is likely that I will be far advanced by the time anyone else turns up to claim so land. With any luck I will also bag most of the decent resources from the continent and see few problems in claiming the whole of it for my empire.

    But my question is whether anyone else has seen a similar continent before and what this one looked like.

  • #2
    Are you sure you aren't playing a terra map? This is exactly what is supposed to happen on such a map.

    Nine times out of ten I find he hidden terra continent looks like the Americas - two bulky continents connected by a thin isthmus near the equator.
    LandMasses Version 3 Now Available since 18/05/2008.


    • #3
      I was playing on a world with 5 continents, and 7 civs.
      One average size continent was very well developed by the time I got there. The barbs had 6 large cities, a solid infrastructure built, grenadiers wandering up and down the roads... unfortunately, there was only one hut left, since their cities covered most of the continent.

      Needless to say, it was a great way to expand without pissing somebody off
      Keep on Civin'
      RIP rah, Tony Bogey & Baron O


      • #4
        Originally posted by Thedrin
        Are you sure you aren't playing a terra map? This is exactly what is supposed to happen on such a map.

        Nine times out of ten I find he hidden terra continent looks like the Americas - two bulky continents connected by a thin isthmus near the equator.
        This could be what’s going on. I might have turned on Terra maps to see what they looked like and how appropriate it is for the Chinese to discover the place first. Now all I have to do is burn all my ships and maps, and close my borders and wait for the British to arrive to sell me lots of opium and/or guns.

        I do hope that those barbs are not grenadiers – I’ve seen warriors and axemen there and am a little worried for my units if the barb defenders turn out to be too strong. For extra realism, I’m expecting to see Jaguar and Inca warriors and Horse Archers in the Great Plains area. Lots of desert in the middle should be full of oil while the central and southern lands are going to have gold, silver, and sugar.

        From the sound of it, I think I will find it hard to settle a lot of the land. I might have to switch to Usuff to get some of the basic infrastructure up quickly (Courthouses/Forbidden Palace) or the costs will cripple me very quickly


        • #5
          I saw a barb city with the Great Lighthouse a few months ago. It was on their continent (terra map), so it wasn't a captured city. I've seen an occasional other barb wonder, also.


          • #6
            I was playing a continents map once, where I found a large island inhabited only by barbarians. Once I landed and started exploring, I found the barbarian city of London there. The English had started alone on the island, and got wiped by barbarians. By the time I got there, the barbarians had come up with 2 or 3 cities of their own in addition to the English city.

            The most I ever found was 10 barbarian cities, but that was on a huge/terra map.
            Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


            • #7
              Sounds like Terra, yeah. The most advanced barb units I've seen, courdelion, are macemen. If you show up with Grenadiers & Cannon, you should be all set.

              In a normal continents map game recently, an exploring Caravel of mine chanced upon the Barbarian city of Bombay, the Jewish holy city. Heh. Gandhi founded three religions (HindJewanity) but lost one of 'em to the Barbs. Not long after my caravel went past, the Indians retook the city. But a barb city on a continent with 3 viable AI civs in ~1000AD? That was hilarious. Prince level, raging barbs.

              grog want tank...Grog Want Tank... GROG WANT TANK!

              The trick isn't to break some eggs to make an omelette, it's convincing the eggs to break themselves in order to aspire to omelettehood.


              • #8
                I've seen barbarian riflemen before, on a huge/terra map. I'd just gotten infantry shortly before they showed up, so it wasn't that big a deal at the time. I wonder how far up the tech tree the barbarians can go. Anyone playing a war late in the modern area wiped out a vast area of an enemy civ by razing all the cities? I'm curious to see if barbarian infantry or tanks would eventually appear.
                Age and treachery will defeat youth and skill every time.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Arrian
                  Sounds like Terra, yeah. The most advanced barb units I've seen, courdelion, are macemen. If you show up with Grenadiers & Cannon, you should be all set.
                  Never seen any barb riflemen??!
                  If you weren't so bleepin' aggressive, you might see them.


                  • #10
                    I have seen barb riflemen and grenadiers. The lvl of the barb's defense is based on the lowest level of common tech among all playing civs. Thus if you have one civ who is still stuck with early melee units, the barbs are stuck there too. If that civ then upgrades to modern units quickly, you can watch the barb units upgrade to riflemen or infantry in a few turns.


                    • #11
                      Yeah, I have seen barb riflemen and grenadiers. Sometimes, taking the barb continent on terra can be more difficult then fighting an actual AI.


                      • #12
                        It was Terra and my poor little explorer did not get very far. Even my group of conquistadors didn’t have it all their own way but managed to safely take the first city and repel a few barbs reprisal attacks – sending swords against Choks, Macemen and Knights

                        Shame was that this stupid game them decided to go awol on me just after I got my shrine up and was starting to ship a few more units for more conquests in the east.

                        Stupid buggy game I’ve never made it far enough into industrial age to have any experience of things like infantry, tanks, biology, tanks, etc.


                        • #13
                          I once played a 2 continent map (smart map) where all the players were on a fairly small contenent (compared to the map size) and the other, which was HUGE was barabrian occupied only. However the civilizations were more advanced. It wasn't Terra though, SmartMap 2 contenents.

                          I have also seen barbarian grenaders but nothing more advanced than that.


                          • #14
                            Heh...yeah, don't try to explore the barb continent on terra with an explorer, it just won't work.

                            On the other hand, it might be worthwhile to keep an explorer around just to pop the huts you'll find; just keep him well protected.


                            • #15
                              If you play on the Earth map, entire Australia and America are populated with Barbarian cities.

