Originally posted by gdgrimm
Do NOT build any World Wonders at all.
Do NOT build any World Wonders at all.
I use the CS slingshot all the time however I was capable of holding my own - cultural, diplomatic, domiantion victories - before I learned about the tactic. Now if I miss the slingshot I'm capable of recovering however, if you base your entire game on pulling off this strategy what happens to your game if you fail?
There's a lot of good advice given in this thread but as far as I can see gdgrimm's advice above is the best. Explanation:
I used to follow a similar startegy to what you describe in the opening post (do you try to get as many religions as you can as well?) at noble level. I couldn't wage offensive wars at all, was weak at defending myself and could only get a time or close spacerace victory.
By refusing to allow myself to build wonders or found religions I had to learn generic strategies. After a few games I had picked up some useful habits - more effective use of specialists, automatically building up a good defensive military, having a better idea of how large an army should be for specific offenses, financial management, more strategic use of worker improvements and better use of great people - so that when I went back to allowing myself to build wonders I would gladly let most of them go by and only determinedly go for the ones that would really aid my civ.
The generic response to gdgrimm's post was that there are good wonders that you should be building. This is true. But if you learn to play without any wonders you'll be able to decide for yourself how useful a wonder is to the specific game you're playing.
1) Should you try playing a few games without building any wonders I also advise that you not found any religions either. It'll help in teaching the relative value of the early game technologies - which ones are important in certain starting positions and which ones can be gotten at a later stage.
2) If you're going to try playing without building wonders don't use an Industrial civ unless you want to really handicap yourself.