Originally posted by NFIH
Well, of course one doesn't have to literally force anyone to adopt the conquering culture. The "conquered" culture accepts the conquering culture because it's, well, been conquered. It is a somewhat natural consequence of being conquering.
Well, of course one doesn't have to literally force anyone to adopt the conquering culture. The "conquered" culture accepts the conquering culture because it's, well, been conquered. It is a somewhat natural consequence of being conquering.
Originally posted by johnmcd
Really couldn't disagree more.
Really couldn't disagree more.
Conquered cultures certainly don't voluntarily adopt the cultures of conquerers, at least that's not the norm. From my own country's history, untill our declaration of independence in the early 20th century, we were intermittently under the rule of the Swedes and the Russians, for hundreds of years, yet Finns retained their own language and culture, even in the face of attempts by the Russians to actively intergrate Finns to Russian culture.
The countries behind the iron curtain didn't adopt Russian culture either; after the collapse of communism, what remains is the national identities and cultures of these nations.
Mostly it is human instinct to resist conquerers to the end, not to become like them.
Of course, how a conqured nation responds to being conquered much depends on the nation in question. For example, India took on the English language from colonnial times. But then again, who can say that Indian culture isn't highly distinctive, and very different from Brittish culture?
Tibet is under the rule of China, but despite active attempts at integration, Tibetans still consider then Tibetans and not Chinese, and the Buddhism-centered culture shows no signs of dying out.
I think that more cultural spread and adoption occurs through voluntary adoption, through trade and other contacts with foreign nations than through conquered nations adopting the ways of their masters.
More recently, Iraq is in practice under the rule of the Americans at the moment, and we can all see how "eager" the people of Iraq are to adopt American culture.