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Computer Specs

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  • #46
    Wasn't there some other problems with the newest drivers as well? Didn't Asher mention something about data corruption or something with these drivers? Or have they fixed that problem?
    I'm still using some old drivers (84.21), which works just fine, so no need to update drivers just yet
    This space is empty... or is it?


    • #47
      This all sounds rather strange to me, I play CIV on a three year old laptop with something like 384MB ram, and I have no problems. Sure there are some "slow downs" in the later game on larger maps, but nothing remotely unplayable. Nothing like the waiting I had with civ3 on the same machine.


      • #48
        Originally posted by Rasputin

        how do i do that.. wheneevr i go to diplmacy screen the option of attacking another ai is in red and wont allow me to select it as a tradable option
        You need to build stronger relationships.


        • #49
          Originally posted by DrSpike

          You need to build stronger relationships.
          Obviously i need to bow down to the ai much earlier and give them al lthey want LOL
          GM of MAFIA #40 ,#41, #43, #45,#47,#49-#51,#53-#58,#61,#68,#70, #71


          • #50
            Originally posted by DrSpike

            You need to build stronger relationships.
            Nah - you just need lots & lots & lots of Praetorians
            I don't know why he saved my life. Maybe in those last moments he loved life more than he ever had before. Not just his life - anybody's life, my life. All he'd wanted were the same answers the rest of us want. Where did I come from? Where am I going? How long have I got? All I could do was sit there and watch him die.


            • #51
              Originally posted by Rasputin

              Obviously i need to bow down to the ai much earlier and give them al lthey want LOL
              Not always, but pick a few friends, at least to start with.


              • #52
                There are 3 main areas that could cause a system slowdown while playing a game:

                RAM - More is always better, but buying too much can end up being a waste of your money. Extra RAM will come in useful down the road - but you can save your money and buy less now, and upgrade when you need it. Generally 1 or 2 GB should be fine for today's games.

                Video Cards - You spend three hundred bucks on one of these bad boys, and find it's obsolete three months later.

                Never buy the top of the line card, unless you're made of money. The card one or two below the very best will be almost as good, but will give you more bang for your dollar.

                Nvidia or ATI? The biggest rivalry in PC Gaming, and it really doesnt matter. Nvidia cards tend to use less power however, and both cards have those games they bug out on. Civ4 unpactched is a pain to get running with an ATI card.

                The best advice for finding the card for you is Research, research, research. Look for reviews on specific cards, and read what other people have to say about them.

                CPU Often overlooked, your CPU can definitely cause a slowdown. Especially in an intricate game like Civ4, which has lots of stuff going on behind the flashy graphics you see. that little bit of lag between your turns? thats your CPU crunching numbers.

                Make sure it's a real pentium 4 (HT really has no impact on games, because they run in one thread), or Athlon (64 bit isn't important yet, but most athlons are 64s now anyway).

                You'll find the best deals and prices typically on an online site, like (USA), or
                Last edited by Tarkhan; July 21, 2006, 06:32.


                • #53
                  I have an old Duron 1400 (overclocked to 1.6 Ghz). My video card is a geforce fx 5200 with 128 mb. I also have 256 Mb of Ram. It's an old computer, I know. But I don't have much trouble running huge maps.


                  • #54
                    Originally posted by PaulCIV
                    I have an old Duron 1400 (overclocked to 1.6 Ghz). My video card is a geforce fx 5200 with 128 mb. I also have 256 Mb of Ram. It's an old computer, I know. But I don't have much trouble running huge maps.
                    Consider your self very lucky by doing that then.


                    • #55
                      Originally posted by PaulCIV
                      I have an old Duron 1400 (overclocked to 1.6 Ghz). My video card is a geforce fx 5200 with 128 mb. I also have 256 Mb of Ram. It's an old computer, I know. But I don't have much trouble running huge maps.

                      Are you talking about Civ IV?
                      This space is empty... or is it?


                      • #56
                        If he is I want some of what he is smoking.


                        • #57
                          I also have 256 Mb of Ram. It's an old computer, I know. But I don't have much trouble running huge maps.
                          I don't think i would want to run Windows Xp with 256MB let alone CIV.

