i think that it is false, as Satlin is tailor made for the new Charismatic trait, In fact I think that this trait is based on stalin, it would be a HUGE mistake to not give stalin Charismatic, He fooled the world for about 20 years. in fact stalin was so charismatic that he was able win an "election" (of party officials i think) against someone who had much beter ides than him, but had bad communication skills, he actually got him exiled, (and probably stole some of his ideas.
Propaganda was widely and VERY effectively used by Stalin, this is what the brodcast tower boost is in charismatic.
Stalin MUST have the Charismatic trait, therefore at least some of this information is false.
P.S. Read Animal Farm by George Orwell, Napoleon is Stalin, snowball is the other guy, squealer is propaganda, Old major is Karl Marx. it is an allegory of the rise of communism. (a good book two.)
Propaganda was widely and VERY effectively used by Stalin, this is what the brodcast tower boost is in charismatic.
Stalin MUST have the Charismatic trait, therefore at least some of this information is false.
P.S. Read Animal Farm by George Orwell, Napoleon is Stalin, snowball is the other guy, squealer is propaganda, Old major is Karl Marx. it is an allegory of the rise of communism. (a good book two.)