I was recently without internet access and wanted to do some reading, so I started going through articles in the Civilopedia and I found quite a few errors. I know I found more than I can remember now, but here's the few I've noticed, and I'm wondering what other mistakes people found.
1. Conflicting information on the state religion of China. When I read the articles on Confucianism and Taoism, I noticed that they each claimed to have been the state religion of China during the same timeframe - Taoism is said to have been the state religion of China for over a thousand years, until 1911. The article on Confucianism states that it Confucianism was the state religion of China until the rise of the communists. Clearly, both of these cannot be correct.
2. Age of Judaism. The civilopedia says the religion was born "perhaps 4000 years ago". At least they put the "perhaps" in there, but from my understanding historical scholars trace back the roots of Judaism to 1300 BC, and at the beliefs of the Israelites at this time were very different from the monotheistic religion that it evolved into - it was polytheistic at first, shifted towards henotheism (accepting multiple gods but only worshipping one of them), and the religion was not truly monotheistic until much later, probably during the Babylonian Captivity when the religion picked up a lot of it's more modern ideas (as well as the current Hebrew script). This was around 600 BC.
One could say that Judaism traces back to app. 3300 years ago, but that would be a misleading statement as it was a very different religion. I don't know of any reputable historian who would claim the Jewish faith goes back to 2000 BC, though Jewish tradition does claim that. If the authors of the article were going to base the ages of religions on that religion's traditional views, they should bump back the start day of Islam as Moslems believe that Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were all Moslems.
1. Conflicting information on the state religion of China. When I read the articles on Confucianism and Taoism, I noticed that they each claimed to have been the state religion of China during the same timeframe - Taoism is said to have been the state religion of China for over a thousand years, until 1911. The article on Confucianism states that it Confucianism was the state religion of China until the rise of the communists. Clearly, both of these cannot be correct.
2. Age of Judaism. The civilopedia says the religion was born "perhaps 4000 years ago". At least they put the "perhaps" in there, but from my understanding historical scholars trace back the roots of Judaism to 1300 BC, and at the beliefs of the Israelites at this time were very different from the monotheistic religion that it evolved into - it was polytheistic at first, shifted towards henotheism (accepting multiple gods but only worshipping one of them), and the religion was not truly monotheistic until much later, probably during the Babylonian Captivity when the religion picked up a lot of it's more modern ideas (as well as the current Hebrew script). This was around 600 BC.
One could say that Judaism traces back to app. 3300 years ago, but that would be a misleading statement as it was a very different religion. I don't know of any reputable historian who would claim the Jewish faith goes back to 2000 BC, though Jewish tradition does claim that. If the authors of the article were going to base the ages of religions on that religion's traditional views, they should bump back the start day of Islam as Moslems believe that Abraham, Moses, and Jesus were all Moslems.