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Are these barbarians for real?

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  • #16
    my main problem is my only source of copper/iron is in bum****, egypt. Which means any city I put out there gets ass raped by barbarians. I have to devote my entire empire's resources to defending that city. It's a real pain sometimes.

    I think I will try a game with no barbs. I've been reluctant to do this, as it almost seems like cheating. But the AI should get a boost from this as well. As sometimes they get hammered by barbs.


    • #17
      Originally posted by Shivan
      In history, there no random single groups of axeman without a homeland or any cares in the world...
      The Sea People. They're so random, they don't even have a name.

      Caribbean pirates. English privateers run amok! I need to mod in barb caravels and galleons.

      Not to mention the countless barbarian hordes you've never heard of because they cleverly raped and pillaged all evidence of themselves from history.
      "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
      "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
      "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli


      • #18
        Originally posted by Dis
        my main problem is my only source of copper/iron is in bum****, egypt. Which means any city I put out there gets ass raped by barbarians. I have to devote my entire empire's resources to defending that city. It's a real pain sometimes.
        That's not a problem, that's a challenge.

        That's like saying you have a problem knocking down ALL TEN pins in bowling. How much more fun it would be if you only had to knock down three!
        "The human race would have perished long ago if its preservation had depended only on the reasoning of its members." - Rousseau
        "Vorwärts immer, rückwärts nimmer!" - Erich Honecker
        "If one has good arms, one will always have good friends." - Machiavelli


        • #19
          Originally posted by CarnalCanaan
          Not to mention the countless barbarian hordes you've never heard of because they cleverly raped and pillaged all evidence of themselves from history.


          • #20
            I don't know what you guys are talking about... I always invite the Barbs over for some tea and crackers and everything's fine.

            The secret is the crackers, I think. We need a "tea and crackers" tech.


            • #21
              Originally posted by CarnalCanaan

              That's not a problem, that's a challenge.

              That's like saying you have a problem knocking down ALL TEN pins in bowling. How much more fun it would be if you only had to knock down three!

              No, its like saying its hard to knock down all ten pins while your being shot in the face. Which isn't a lot of fun, believe me.


              • #22
                Originally posted by gradea
                No, its like saying its hard to knock down all ten pins while your being shot in the face. Which isn't a lot of fun, believe me.
                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."


                • #23
                  If one places defending archers outside of your cultural boundary, then the barbarians may easily go around the defenders unless you have very many defenders. The most effective solution that I have found is to put archers with medic promotion on forest or forest/hill tiles which are connected by roads to the cities and to put them on the barbarian approaches. However, if you do not have an axeman to chop the buggers when they enter open ground, they will often try to go around you to loot your improvements. You really need to have a flexible defense to combat them if you are playing raging barbarians and they are coming from all directions. It is best if you can expand or put out sentries in a couple of areas so that they are only coming at you in waves from one direction. A snakey landmass like one usually gets in the Fractal map setting should be helpful.


                  • #24
                    What I find woirks well is placing two archers together then fortify one and "Sentry" the other. That way when the barbs DO show up the one archer will wake and you get some kind of notice but the fortified one is still the strongest so he'll get attacked and destroy the barb.

                    One thing I noticed happening was like OTD said, the barbs would just walk around my archer to get at my copper mine. Which anoyed me cause I'd reload and watch them walk right past my archers and the archers didn't move. That's when I figured out the "Sentry" trick.

                    Tom P.


                    • #25
                      You aren't going to enjoy this game much if you set it so the AI is as attacked as you are. In fact, I reckon you'll get a conquest victory before AD without ever needing to go to war.


                      • #26
                        1. Others mentioned this already, but with so few civs on a Huge map, you're bound to get a lot of Barbarian action. Barbs are like additional civs, except they're always at war with you. If you like a more peaceful early-game, add more civs, reduce the map size, or turn Barbs off.

                        2. Archers are not a great solution to a constant flow of Barbs. I much prefer Chariots or Axemen. It's always better to be able to attack if the odds are in your favor, since your get more XP and you prevent the invaders from choking you (i.e. pillaging your good tiles, etc.).

                        Offensive units are also capable of taking out Barb cities, which is essential if you want the invasions to stop. Archers alone cannot really do this efficiently.

                        3. I'm a bit surprised that you're overwhelmed once you build your second city; are you spending time on Wonders beforehand? If you push Animal Husbandry and Bronze Working up in your tech priorities, it should not be too difficult to place your second city to access either Horses or Copper (if your capital does not already), at which point Barbs become a lot less of an issue.

                        4. In short, Barbs are not impossible to deal with, you just have to, with them. They're not going to go away by themselves, or be impressed by how many Wonders you build or Religions you found (you get the idea).
                        And her eyes have all the seeming of a demon's that is dreaming...


                        • #27
                          Originally posted by johnmcd
                          You aren't going to enjoy this game much if you set it so the AI is as attacked as you are. In fact, I reckon you'll get a conquest victory before AD without ever needing to go to war.
                          At Noble, with barb creation specs set at Monarch levels and zero combat advantages against barbs for everyone, MAYBE 1-3 cities taken at most, perhaps none. But these are with MORE than the standard number of civs for map size.


                          • #28
                            Originally posted by Urban Ranger

                            Ask Lordshiva about a rake you can sit on.

                            Unrelated to the unrelated, but related to the topic, a good weapon against barbarians is actually scouts. Keeping large sections of a small land mass (If your so lucky as to be on a small land mass) In your view, or at least a large section of the land mass your on in your view, keeps barbarians from being able to spawn.


                            • #29
                              1. Scouts.

                              Cheap. 2 Tile Movement. Good Vision. Set them out in an array outside the perimeters. Use one or two roaming safeties (axemen or chariots).

                              Eliminates FOW and eliminates the Barbs.

                              2. Defend resources.

                              Barbs raid easy targets. Set traps. Build promotions.


                              • #30
                                Originally posted by padillah
                                One thing I noticed happening was like OTD said, the barbs would just walk around my archer to get at my copper mine.
                                Well, they do. At least some barb units do that. The trick is to guard a copper mine and an iron mine (if you have them).

                                In one game I had a line of hills just a few tiles outside of my capital. So I placed archers with "Guerilla I" along the ridge, two apart. I didn't have to worry about barbarians coming from that direction after that - and I got a whole bunch of crack units to boot.
                                (\__/) 07/07/1937 - Never forget
                                (='.'=) "Claims demand evidence; extraordinary claims demand extraordinary evidence." -- Carl Sagan
                                (")_(") "Starting the fire from within."

