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How big is your army?

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  • #31
    I've had anything from 1 warrior/chariot per city at the end of game, to literally hundreds of modern units.

    In general I will run as little defence as I can get away with when at peace and try to avoid sneak attacks through diplomacy. This depends on which AI personalities are in the game. If someone like Alex is in it's usually best to have at least the Heroic Epic city producing troops more or less the whole game.

    Once astronomy is discovered on a continents map it's usually a good idea to have mobile stacks positioned around the empire in position to intercept landings. Railroads are excellent for this purpose.


    • #32
      I'm more expansive then warmonger or builder. So, when someone is in myway (ie on my continent) they really have to go. Once I have my own continent (and some islands) I will only attack other civs if they are going to win the space race or something like that. so, as a result, my army at the end of the game is huge.

      In the begining, I have a rather pathetic military. One or two units per city, maybe some gaurding the roads against barbs.

      later beginging I'm still weak. I only ramp up the military afyter I have something like 5-8 cities. that way, I actually have borders with people. AndI can still build wonders, settlers and military units. I also throw in economic and science type buildings.

      Once the INF- calvary arrive I go a little crazy with unit production.

      Here are my typical number at the end of the game, bear in mind that I play on noble and Fractal, on Epic speed.

      Cities: 20+ (at least half from conquered civs)
      Archers or other really early game units that never got upgraded: 10 ish
      Muskets/Granaders/MG/etc...: 10ish
      INF: 10ish
      Mech INF: 40ish
      Moderm Armor: 30ish
      BB: 8
      DD: 10
      TRN: 17
      Helo's: 20ish
      Workers: 25+
      MRNs/SEALs: 15+ (i do not upgrade these to ME INF)


      • #33
        Forgot about planes and carriers:
        STL BMR: 10
        JFTR: 10
        CV: 2-3


        • #34
          Depends on how the games going, but by 1 AD it's average, and I try to keep it about average, though certin leaders go on an insane spree of unit creation (Ceaser and Louis XIV esp.) you got to stay average, or about halfway between the lowest and the highest on the chart.


          • #35
            My largest army ever had 60 Modern Armors, 104 Mech Infs, 49 Artilleries, 30+ Stealth Bombers, 20+ Jet Fighters; all built by the peaceful Ghandi to crush the warmongering Frederick and Tokugawa.

            It was a pain to manage.

            Now I prefer to finish the game as early as possible through Domination. My recent Monarch Roman game finished around 1580, only 30 cavalries , 10 Riflemen, and 10 Catapults were needed to subdue my enemies. The score was a lot higher and the game much more fun.


            • #36
              I think this is a little off of my largest army, but it's close. I'm about 50 short on my Mechanized Infantry, 20 short on my Stealth Bombers and artillery, and I only have two sea convoys (3 battleships, 4 destroyers, 2 fully loaded carriers, and an attachment (4) marines) when I normally have four. Oh.. and I'm about ten nukes short...

              I wonder why they won't declare war on me!

              Too much for one screen so here's part two!

              "The Chuck Norris military unit was not used in the game Civilization 4, because a single Chuck Norris could defeat the entire combined nations of the world in one turn."



              • #37
                I hate to manage so many units these days.

