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Crazy Luck

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  • Crazy Luck

    I just started a new game, Epic speed (Marathon is too long for me), and I had the insane luck of getting to the Classical age at 3430 BC. I got both bronze working and iron working from huts, and then I found an iron resource near Bejing. I could be spinning out swordsmen in 2000 BC.

    Anyone else have something like that?

  • #2
    no such luck here

    What was the difficulty level?
    Vi Veri Veniversum Vivus Vici


    • #3
      I had a luck like that on Prince once, got 3-4 techs out of huts. This was my first game on Marathon, so I made a big mistake: I underestimated the babarians
      None of the techs lead to archers, and I didn't find any Copper or Iron on the island
      This space is empty... or is it?


      • #4
        I don't know if you'd call it good luck but i got thee settlers outof huts once.

        I didn't have to build settlers for years but my economy sucked!

        Course, I have a hard time establishing an economy on anything but normal anyway.

        Tom P.


        • #5
          Sometimes when I get really good luck with the huts I somewhat resent it, I feel like if I win that game it doesn't mean as much.


          • #6
            Originally posted by padillah
            I don't know if you'd call it good luck but i got thee settlers outof huts once.

            I didn't have to build settlers for years but my economy sucked!

            Course, I have a hard time establishing an economy on anything but normal anyway.

            Tom P.
            How did you get settlers from huts on a difficulty above Warlord? Unless they changed something in the last patch, you can't get workers or settlers from huts on Noble and above.


            • #7
              Originally posted by Flamer(fin)
              no such luck here

              What was the difficulty level?
              That game was prince...

              But I quit that game, as always, terrible starting position (I was on an island, not even a big island)


              • #8
                Re: Crazy Luck

                Originally posted by Qwertqwert
                I just started a new game, Epic speed (Marathon is too long for me), and I had the insane luck of getting to the Classical age at 3430 BC. I got both bronze working and iron working from huts, and then I found an iron resource near Bejing. I could be spinning out swordsmen in 2000 BC.

                Anyone else have something like that?
                In one game, on Emperor no less, I got farming, then animal husbandry, then horseback riding from three huts in a row. It was pretty amazing...


                • #9
                  Originally posted by Qwertqwert

                  That game was prince...

                  But I quit that game, as always, terrible starting position (I was on an island, not even a big island)

                  No matter how bad your starting position is, that kind of early-game tech lead you should more then make up for it.


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by padillah
                    I don't know if you'd call it good luck but i got thee settlers outof huts once.

                    I didn't have to build settlers for years but my economy sucked!

                    Course, I have a hard time establishing an economy on anything but normal anyway.

                    Tom P.
                    Yeah, it's hard to establish an ecenomy if you expand too fast.


                    • #11
                      Originally posted by Yosho


                      No matter how bad your starting position is, that kind of early-game tech lead you should more then make up for it.
                      My playing strategy absolutly requires contact with several other civilizations (I usaually play games with 16-18) and I can't contact them if I am on an island until I get astronomy.


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by Qwertqwert

                        Yeah, it's hard to establish an ecenomy if you expand too fast.
                        I find it hard to establish an economy at anything more than Norma speed. I have a build strategy and it gets thrown into a hizzy when the speed changes.

                        I've gotta find a better build strat for the other speeds.

                        Tom P.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Qwertqwert

                          My playing strategy absolutly requires contact with several other civilizations (I usaually play games with 16-18) and I can't contact them if I am on an island until I get astronomy.

                          Well, it can be done. Last time I was on an island by myself, knowing that I could expand at whatever speed I wanted and that I wasn't going to be attacked except by barbs, I basically just focused on developing my economy and grabbing as many early-game wonders as I could, and by the time I got astronomy I was at about the same level as the AI's; I had some holes, but so did they, and I did fine.


                          • #14
                            I usaually hope to exceed the AI by Astronomy. Atleast technologolically. My strategy is to get technologies as fast as I can (and if possible prevent other countries from getting them) and avoid war. Then I get the Space Race victory.


                            • #15
                              Yeah, I have that kind of luck ALL the time, but usually in reverse. For instance, if I win a battle with a probability of 95%, I consider it a miracle. The AI on the other hand routinely wins with 30% probability or less.

                              Crazy luck alright.
                              Voluntary Human Extinction Movement

