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Adding new buildings and traits, is it possible?

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  • #16
    I have the same gut feeling about those trait being overpowered as Solver and Locutus but......

    If all three were overpowered but equally overpowered (which is unlikely right now, but could be determined...although it would also vary by map/game format) and you gave one of your three overpowered traits to each civ, then that would still be fair, right?

    For more tame versions how about

    Farmer: +1 commerce from farm. Maybe not exactly what you're looking for, but it could represent cash crops. You couldn't replace cottages with it, because it would never match the cottages output, but it would still be very nice.

    Miner: +2 shields/special rescource mine AND + an extra 10% hill defense to all military units (stacks with other stuff).

    Scientific: -30% research required for scientific texts (You could go through the tech tree and pick 10 or so scientific techs. Examples are writing, alphabet, education, physics, scientific method. Since there are 80 techs in the game that works out to be 1/8 of the techs and 1/8 * .3 = 3.75%, and a 3.75%ish boost to research seems fair to me, and steered into sciency techs).


    • #17
      Nah, then they would still be overpowered vs. other civs .
      Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
      Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
      I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


      • #18
        I think I wasn't clear.

        I'm saying if we presume his three traits (lets call them Super Farmer (SF), Super Miner (SM) and Super Science (SS) as written) are way better than any other traits, but no better than one another (i.e. SF = SM = SS) then it could be done fairly.

        If Washington is Fin and Org, now he is Fin, Org and SS.
        If Isabella is Spi and Phi (is she?) now she is Spi, Phi and SF.
        If Qin is Ind and Fin, now he is Ind, Fin and SM.

        Something like that. He said he wanted to add a trait to each civ, so now each leader has 3 traits.

        I know it is unlikely they are all equally overpowered right now (My hunch tells me I'd take his SF over the other two, presuming it stacked with Biology), but if they were tweaked to be equally overpowered, it could still be done fairly.


        • #19
          Ohhh.... I get it now Solver, you're saying my three are overpowered. Gotcha. Probably. But they could be tweaked until they weren't.


          • #20
            Highlander: free Guerilla promotion for Melee units, +1 shield/resource mine.

            Scientific: half-price Library, +1 (maybe +2) beakers per specialist.

            Those are, IMO, closer to potential balance.
            Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
            Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
            I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


            • #21
              Okay so how about this, similar to the last thing Solver said:

              Popular (or a better word) - +2 Happiness in all cities and half Anarchy time. (since most of the time Anarchy is only 1 or 2 turns it's not too advantageous)

              Miner - +1 shield from resource and all mines take half the time to build.

              Scientific - Shields for library, obserbery, and university lowered 50% and +1 beaker from scientists

              Farmer - +1 gold from farms, plantations, and pastures


              • #22
                Half Anarchy time is a bit pointless, it'd be better as a rule of any anarchy being 1 turn - even if it would be 3 normally.

                For your Scientific, take away the Observatory bonus. They're already cheap, cheaper than Universities in fact, though they come later.

                Now Farmer sounds dangerous... it means that if you go a high-food city, you'll still have good commerce there. The tradeoff is lost. Hmm. That is something I'm unsure of.
                Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
                Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
                I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


                • #23
                  Almost no commerce though, on plains it's still only 2 per square, on grassland only 1, and you still need mines and such. And the others (with resources) you don't find too often so it's not too big of an advantage. So if you go for food, you only get 1 or 2 per square, but with towns you get 7.

                  I'll go with the other things though.


                  • #24
                    Originally posted by Locutus
                    Python's easier to code, easier to combine with other mods, easier to update to Warlords once it's out, easier for others to further improve on, and its performance not nearly as poor as most people seem to assume. If you can avoid using the SDK, do so.
                    Yeah, it can be done, but you willl run into a few problems there... these traits won't show up with their proper attributes in help text (civ selection screen, for example). In the end it's not really a 'problem' it's just 'cleaner' to work within the system rather than hacking around it.


                    • #25
                      Sure, if you're a Firaxian Then you don't have to worry about how the next patch or XP will affect your mod, you don't have to worry about others being able to change your code or being able to combine it with other mods, and you're intimately familiar with the source code so the argument that Python is easier becomes much weaker as well. So that changes the situation quite a bit

                      The UI issue is easy enough to hack around, I had to do quite a bit of it for Desert War...
                      Administrator of WePlayCiv -- Civ5 Info Centre | Forum | Gallery

