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So... Who's Idea Was it to Have Nimoy do the Voiceovers?

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  • So... Who's Idea Was it to Have Nimoy do the Voiceovers?

    Whoever came up with that should be forced to play The Sims his entire life.

    What happened to Miriam, emphatically warning those of us who seek first and final principles? What happened to the smug Morgan, sharing with us his plans to live forever? What happened to the sad but optimistic Deirdre, promising us not to confront planet as an enemy?

    All we got is Leonard Nimoy, speaking as if he's in the middle of a long, deep sleep?
    "If you chase two rabbits, you will catch none"... "Mmmm... where's my coffee and breakfast? ".

    The resources and health system.
    Doing the Civ I tune and intro at the start of a game.


    And dont get me started on the wonder movies. There is a purpose for these movies and that purpose is adding flavor to the game and making it easier for the player to "feel" the world. After hearing Yang telling me that pain is merely information before the senses, I could play the game, imagine and feel Yang's secret police torture dissidents. After hearing about the sunny domes and caves of ice I could imagine and feel the Gaian citizens walking around smiling and looking on the beautiful gardens.

    Wonder movies take a lot of effort to make, in SMAC that effort made the game great. With Civ 4, all that effort was wasted. No, looking on Notre Dam being built does not make me feel any more "in" the game.

    Speaking of wonder movies, why do they and the intro movie stutter so much? Was the technology of smoothly playing movies forgotten?
    "Beware of he who would deny you access to information, for in his heart he dreams himself your master" - Commissioner Pravin Lal.

  • #2
    Pah, you just can't understand Nimoy .
    Solver, WePlayCiv Co-Administrator
    Contact: solver-at-weplayciv-dot-com
    I can kill you whenever I please... but not today. - The Cigarette Smoking Man


    • #3
      Re: So... Who's Idea Was it to Have Nimoy do the Voiceovers?

      Originally posted by Eli
      All we got is Leonard Nimoy, speaking as if he's in the middle of a long, deep sleep?
      "If you chase two rabbits, you will catch none"... "Mmmm... where's my coffee and breakfast? ".

      I agree, it doesn't sound like he put any effort in it, he's just reading directly from a book, while being half asleep
      This space is empty... or is it?


      • #4
        I <3 Nimoy.


        • #5
          While I loved the Nimoy voiceovers at first, they started to bore me quite soon. Since then I´ve had them turned off...
          I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


          • #6
            I agree. they should have had kirk doing the voices


            • #7
              That blowhard? Firaxis would´ve had to include an extra DVD just to make room for his ego...
              I love being beaten by women - Lorizael


              • #8
                Two words: Elmer Fudd


                • #9
                  James Earl Jones would have been nice and the sci-fi geek factor would have remained in balance.
                  "Guess what? I got a fever! And the only prescription is ... more cow bell!"


                  • #10
                    James Earl Jones would have been better.

                    Nemoy sounds too flat like he is reading for some lame Junior High educational flim strip from the 50's.


                    • #11
                      Re: So... Who's Idea Was it to Have Nimoy do the Voiceovers?

                      Originally posted by Eli

                      What happened to Miriam, emphatically warning those of us who seek first and final principles? What happened to the smug Morgan, sharing with us his plans to live forever? What happened to the sad but optimistic Deirdre, promising us not to confront planet as an enemy?
                      Wrong game series.
                      I've allways wanted to play "Russ Meyer's Civilization"


                      • #12
                        I still miss those live-actor High Councils from Civ 2.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by Gravity Gun
                          I still miss those live-actor High Councils from Civ 2.
                          Everybody misses them... we should try to get Firaxis to add them in an expansion pack
                          This space is empty... or is it?


                          • #14
                            I admit it, it was my idea.


                            • #15
                              "Build more marketplaces so the peasants can barter for needed goods."

